Friday, May 2, 2014

WEEKENDER II: A Whole New Version Of "Double Dipping"

The Martin Chronicles is very blessed to have an informant in the law firm where Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry works. Our law firm spy placed a phone call directly to our beloved publisher. You know, the great guy we affectionately refer to as "The Batman".

So, anyway, this snitch suggests that somebody requests a copy of the legal fees related to the HARASSMENT AND INTIMIDATION lawsuit ousted Assistant Police Chief Joe Schutzman has filed against the mismanaging Martin. Why? Because it appears that Toad has handed off the responsibility of dealing with Schutzman's very serious- and very COSTLY- case to someone who we will call-to protect her identity-Libby McCord.

Again, anyway, the person who files this Open Records request needs to dig in to the bills. Why? Well, they might discover that both the person we are calling "Libby McCord" and Toad V. McMurtry ARE DOUBLE-BILLING THE TAXPAYERS OF VILLA HILLS FOR THE SAME WORK.

Sure, the misdirecting Martin's vapid apparatchiks Koenig, Menninger-Isenhour and Wischer will ignore the obvious. But we all know why. They are all getting something out of what was correctly-predicted as Martin's "unleashed lawlessness" in October, 2012.

The nitwits who are insisting that "this mayor does great things for people" may want to re-think their foolish statements. Why? Because Martin's MISDEEDS ARE COSTING THE TAXPAYERS A FORTUNE.

And Martin will continue to be closely watched.