Tuesday, May 20, 2014

What Settlement?

The Martin Chronicles wonders if you remember the LIE Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin told after he screwed former Police Chief Dan Goodenough out of his job. Think back. After Martin's shameless public effort to discredit Goodenough, most of Villa Hills was surprised-and disappointed-when Goodenough agreed to retire.

Again, what was Martin's LIE? Well, the tiny tyrant FALSELY promised to release the details of the agreement he reached with Goodenough "in ten days".

But guess what? There never was any real agreement. Why? Because Martin is a DISHONEST PHONY. Martin and his personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry are not honoring the framework of the agreement that was reached prior to Goodenough announcing he would retire.  

Several sources say that Martin and McMurtry never intended to honor the agreement. It was just another one of their many con jobs. The whole kangaroo court was all about Martin's vendetta sparked by his 2007 FORGERY ARREST.

Martin simply wanted to publicly embarrass Goodenough and fire him. Screwing the former Chief out of any settlement Martin and McMurtry FALSELY promised is just icing on the cake to the both of them.

We have also learned that Martin refuses to sign any agreement that may eventually be reached. Why? Because he wants to be able to claim that his "golden moment" council "forced" him to settle with Goodenough.

It is an election year, after all.