Thursday, May 22, 2014

Truly Tasteless Mayors

The Martin Chronicles has received numerous reports recently about some truly tasteless comments made by two nitwit Kenton County mayors These comments were made at -of all places-a funeral home.

It seems the two mayors were beating their chests, telling anyone who was foolish enough to listen that "they are the only two mayors in Northern Kentucky who have the balls to do what had to be done". About what were these two knuckle-draggers bragging?

Well, both of these mouth-breathing mayors fired their Police Chiefs. Yep, that is a real reason to be proud.

You shouldn't be surprised to learn that one of the mayors was malfeasant Mike Martin of Villa Hills. And here we always thought it was Villa Hills Councilwoman Mary Koenig who has the balls.

If by chance Martin says the aforementioned cock-strutting never happened, it will come as no surprise to you that he is LYING.

What else is new?