Thursday, May 1, 2014

WEEKENDER: Our Sources Have Been Very Busy

The Martin Chronicles' regular readers know we aren't in the habit of saying, "We told you so". But, when it comes to Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's manipulative antics about who will serve as the next Police Chief of the Villa Hills Police Department, well, uh, we told you so.

Our deep cover sources tell us that the mismanaging Martin has received twenty-three applications for Dan Goodenough's former job. You shouldn't be surprised that Erlanger's Mike Jansing, and Candidates A---- and B------ have emerged as the so-called "top candidates" for the position.

But of course, that's all a Martin sham. Not only are the other twenty candidates being screwed, so are Candidates A---- and B------. Why? Because Martin-and Mary Koenig-continue to intend to hire Mike Jansing for Goodenough's old job. It's a complete put-up job. Just like virtually everything else Martin has done since January 1, 2011.

Yep, we told you so. Mike Jansing has been telling everyone who will listen that this whole Martin sham is already a "done deal". We aren't surprised at all. Are you?

While we're on this subject, has anyone heard the details of the deal Martin allegedly struck with Dan Goodenough to force the long-serving Police Chief out of his job? Why do we ask? Because we haven't heard one word about it. Remember, Martin promised to release the details in early April. We know, Martin's so-called promises don't mean a damn thing. Every non-scofflaw resident of Villa Hills is still paying the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX, after all.

Other sources confirm that Martin has left town and once again abdicated his authority to run the City to his-WELL-PAID-BY-THE-TAXPAYERS-City Clerk and now-City Administrator Craig T. Bohman. Oh, well. Even the belligerent Bohman can run Villa Hills better than the mallet-headed Martin.

We do want to make a point about this revelation. Despite the concerns we have learned were expressed by one pinheaded councilwoman the last time Martin abdicated his authority, The Martin Chronicles is not suggesting that any resident travel to Martin's house at 2603 Brookview to do harm. Hell, why should anyone waste eggs and toilet paper on a "lame duck" mayor?

Lastly, we have learned that things are going very badly for Martin as he desperately tries to wrap-up the lawsuits he is dealing with over his HARASSMENT and INTIMIDATION of former Assistant Police Chief Joe Schutzman. It's so bad that Martin's personal-and now TAXPAYER-FUNDED City-Attorney has handed off all dealings with Schutzman's lawyer to underpaid underlings.

Martin better realize that The Martin Chronicles is watching.