Saturday, May 17, 2014

WEEKENDER: For The Record

The Martin Chronicles wants to clearly state our official position on Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's recent hiring of a new Police Chief. You remember, the fellow who is replacing Dan Goodenough. Yes, that Dan Goodenough. The former Chief the malevolent Martin railroaded out of his job. This after Martin LIED to everyone, saying that "Dan Goodenough is just taking a few days off".

This will be the only time we write that the new fellow was promoted from a part-time patrolman position to Chief after working in Villa Hills for only about a year. This will be the only time we write about the interesting connection between the new fellow who quickly rose through the ranks from part-time patrolman to Chief and a former Covington Mayor who was serving on Martin's now-disbanded Civil Service Commission.

You see-unlike the miscreant Martin and some of his allies on the current City Council-The Martin Chronicles carefully avoids criticizing men and women who must wear body armor to work everyday and spend their time in a dangerous profession that often has them coming in contact with unsavory characters. In point of fact, the new fellow who was promoted from a part-time patrolman position to Chief after working in Villa Hills for only about a year will now have to deal with unsavory characters all of the time.

Who, you ask? Unsavory characters like the mallet-headed Martin, Martin's personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry, the vile and disgusting Mary Koenig, the harebrained Holly B. Menninger-Isenhour and the dangerously ambitious City Clerk Craig T. Bohman who happily took a nearly THIRTY-THREE PERCENT TAXPAYER-FUNDED PAY INCREASE after willfully assisting the tiny tyrant in destroying the long careers of Goodenough and the Assistant Police Chief. We think the new fellow is going to have his hands quite full with that motley crew.

Everyone needs to remember that Martin bears full responsibility for what has transpired. You also need to realize that Martin rests his flat little head on his pillow at night with the unshakeable belief that he has done a great thing by dismantling the police department piece by long-serving piece. Martin is absolutely convinced that the huge surge in crime in Villa Hills has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he has run off SEVENTY-FIVE PERCENT OF THE VERY EXPERIENCED POLICE OFFICERS he inherited in January, 2011.

Why? Because Martin has treated the police department like dirt. All of the former officers will confirm that fact. The reason? Because Martin will be forevermore sore about his appellate court-justified 2007 FORGERY ARREST.

Despite the fact that Martin is a mouth-breathing simpleton, he has to realize that managing an educated, intelligent group of police officers is in no way like his mismanagement of the poor bastards he ran in to the ground at the cookie factory he helped mismanage out of business. Even still, he has proven incapable of changing his 19th Century, autocratic style to lead people who are far smarter than him.

You cannot believe that Martin has brutalized the police department because he wanted to save the taxpayers "a whole bunch of money". The facts simply don't bear out that position. How can anyone claim they are trying to save taxpayer money when they are wasting HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS IN UNNECESSARY LEGAL FEES? That is a cruel hoax on the taxpayers.

Perhaps you are like the asshats at the civic club who continue to believe that Martin's destruction of City services and the lowering of Villa Hills standing amongst the Cities of our Tri-State are good things. If so, you should probably vote to re-elect the mindless Martin on November 4.

But if you believe that Villa Hills should do far better than a corrupt incompetent in the mayor's office, you need to give strong consideration to Martin's opponent(s) in the fall election. Decision day is creeping ever closer.

That decision day is now about 170 days away.