Tuesday, May 13, 2014

People Are Now Closely Watching

The Martin Chronicles can tell when we get people's attention. Daily readership and post readership are the best indicators. Judging by the incredible spike in both gauges for yesterday's post about the dastardly- but-no-longer-secret- plan formulated by some of the leadership of the civic club board to attack potential opponents of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin, people are now closely watching.

We've also received numerous calls and emails from readers about this shocking revelation. We'll tell you what we told all of them. There is absolute proof. It's amazing how good the sound on today's video phones are. It's equally amazing how stupid some people can be when they reveal their clandestine plans in public. We've seen several of the videos. None of them bode well for the future of the civic club as it exists today.

Be advised, this is not an effort being undertaken by The Martin Chronicles. The foolish revelations about the plans of some in leadership positions at the civic club has taken on a life of its own and has nothing to do with us. As always, The Martin Chronicles remains the observer of the corruption and incompetence of the Martin Misadministration, Martin's TAXPAYER-FUNDED goon squad and Martin's notorious hillbilly lynchmob.

We have learned that this independent group has already retained  very talented legal counsel. This attorney has prepared all of the information-including the video evidence-to be sent to the Internal Revenue Service.

We have also learned that a network of people is already in place to look for any sign that those in the civic club leadership who hatched this diabolical plan are beginning to move that plan forward. That's when all hell will break loose.

You see, the lawyer this group has hired does not plan to imitate the mendacious Martin's pernicious pattern of using "anonymous letters from concerned citizens". No, this attorney will publicly step forward to deliver the evidence to the Internal Revenue Service and to explain that evidence in detail to the media. This attorney-and the group that hired this attorney-have had enough of the below-the-belt tactics that has been the hallmark of Martin and his ilk for the last several years.

Enough is enough.