Sunday, March 23, 2014

WEEKENDER V: Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick

The Martin Chronicles beloved publisher has decided to give the staff a brief break for basketball-and bathing. Then, back to work. The clock is ticking towards the second installment of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's kangaroo court dismissal hearing for Police Chief Dan Goodenough. We fully intend to be on our game for that even-which is sure to be a corrupt circus.

Here are things all fair-minded residents should be pondering on the eve of what is almost sure to be a massive miscarriage of justice that has been orchestrated by the tiny tyrant Martin:
  • According to Martin's own sworn testimony, nothing Chief Goodenough has ever done rose to the level of the need for Martin to take time away from his unlicensed handyman business to give the Chief a verbal reprimand. How do we know this? Because Martin himself admitted-under oath-that no verbal reprimand was ever given.
  • According to Martin's own sworn testimony, nothing Chief Goodenough has ever done rose to the level of the need for Martin to take time away from his unlicensed handyman business to give the Chief a written reprimand. How do we know this? Because Martin himself admitted-under oath-that no written reprimand was ever given.
  • According to Martin's own sworn testimony, nothing Chief Goodenough has ever done rose to the level of the need for Martin to take time away from his unlicensed handyman business to give the Chief a verbal warning. How do we know this? Because Martin himself admitted-under oath-that no verbal warning was ever given.
  • According to Martin's own sworn testimony, nothing Chief Goodenough has ever done rose to the level of the need for Martin to take time away from his unlicensed handyman business to give the Chief a written warning. How do we know this? Because Martin himself admitted-under oath-that no written warning was ever given.
  • So, a reasonable, fair-minded person can only conclude that-for some inexplicable reason-the mismanaging Martin chose to disregard the long-held and commonly-accepted practice of "progressive discipline" and simply wants the current City Council to vote to endorse Goodenough's termination. That same reasonable, fair-minded person would also have to conclude that such an agreement by the current City Council clearly represents an endorsement of absolutely dreadful mismanagement by the mallet-headed Martin.
Simply compare the current Martin miscarriage of justice with his mishandling of the formerly endlessly-interim City Clerk Sue Bree. Go back to Martin's October, 2012 removal hearing. Special Counsel Phil Taliaferro read the detail of a written reprimand Martin gave to Bree-given only after Martin had been charged with NEGLECT OF DUTY for not properly counseling Bree for what the miniature mullah claimed was her ILLEGAL DESTRUCTION OF CITY RECORDS.

Martin wrote that he had "repeatedly" advised Bree about the importance of properly following Kentucky Statutes regarding Open Records and Document Retention. Martin went on to write that-despite "repeatedly" counseling her-Bree continued to violate Federal, State and Local law.

So, Bree was terminated, right? The answer isn't "NO". The answer is "HELL, NO". Not only wasn't Bree fired, her written reprimand for continually violating Federal, State and Local laws mysteriously disappeared from City Records. How do we know this? Because written responses to several Open Records requests for Bree's written reprimand said so.
A reasonable, fair-minded person just might conclude that Bree's written reprimand mysteriously disappeared because of the defiant and favorable testimony she provided for Martin during his October, 2012 removal hearing. Can you say "coercion"?

How disgusting is this turn of events? The back-stabbing Bree was even on hand to scribble minutes at Round One of Police Chief Dan Goodenough's removal hearing. Why? Because Current City Clerk-and ersatz City Administrator-Craig T. Bohman was tasked by Martin with the duty of testifying against Goodenough. It is a true taxpayer-funded travesty.

The Martin Chronicles is also enjoying the egregious display of HYPOCRISY being exhibited by former and current Council Rhine Maiden Mary Koenig. As you know, we are avid readers of the various social networks.

So, why do we write "HYPOCRISY" on the part of Koenig? We go back to a December 20, 2000 Patrick Crowley article from The Kentucky Enquirer. “If you want to look at personal vendettas,” Mrs. Koenig said, “you need to start by looking at those legal bills.” To what was the vile, ancient Crocodile Koenig referring? The money that council spent for then-City Attorney Lawson Walker to investigate the disappearance of $25,025 in City funds.

So, why doesn't the vile, ancient crocodile express any concern for the mountainous fees being paid to Martin personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry as he conducts his Martin-mandated witch hunt against Dan Goodenough? Isn't that answer obvious?

While The Martin Chronicles is on the subject of the vile, ancient crocodile Mary Koenig, isn't it amazing how she always seems to be around when a Villa Hills Police Chief is being fired? What the hell is up with that? What does Mary Koenig have against Villa Hills Police Chiefs? We know the reasonable residents of Villa Hills are asking that same question.

What Villa Hills needs is a complete housecleaning. The malevolent Martin clearly needs to go. Most or all of Martin's current, mostly-supplicant, "golden moment" City Council needs to go. Martin's personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry needs to go. Martin's trouble-making City Clerk-and ersatz City Administrator-Craig T. Bohman needs to go. Federal, State and Local law-breaking, formerly endlessly interim City Clerk Sue Bree needs to go. There are probably others who need to go. A new broom must sweep completely clean. But what will Villa Hills voters decide to do in roughly 226 days.

Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick.