Tuesday, March 25, 2014

No One Escapes The Inquisition!

The Martin Chronicles greatly appreciates all of the publicity we received from Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin’s personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry (of the real estate law firm of Gerner and Kearns) Monday night.  He questioned everyone-with the exception of the lunatic Mike Pope-with an obsessive vengeance that would have made  that old red-baiting “Tailgunner Joe” McCarthy beam with pride.

  • “Are you-or have you ever been-the author of The Martin Chronicles? Remember, you’re under oath!”
  • “Do you know-or have you ever known-the author of the Martin Chronicles? Remember, you’re under oath!”
  • “Do you leak-or have you ever leaked-information to The Martin Chronicles? Remember, you’re under oath!”
  • “Do you read (pronounced reed)-or have you ever read (pronounced red)-The Martin Chronicles? Remember, you’re under oath!”
Many taxpayers probably wonder why Martin’s personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry (of the real estate law firm of Gerner and Kearns) would be wasting so much time-and taxpayer money-on a personal witch hunt. As far as everyone knew, the hearing was about Martin’s bogus charges against Dan Goodenough. Maybe Toad V. McMurtry didn’t get the memo.
Oh, wait a minute. That's right. Profligate waste of taxpayer-money on lawyers and legal actions has been a hallmark of Martin's Reign of Error. So, of course we know why Martin's personal-and now City-Attorney (of the real estate law firm of Gerner and Kearns) was frittering away on so much "billable time" serving as the grand inquisitor about the pesky little blog that dares to regularly report on Martin's rampant corruption and mismanagement.  

We know people  like Martin and McMurtry often rely on what is generally referred to as the “chilling effect”. These two-and their cronies-like to intimidate their perceived enemies with thinly-and not-so-thinly-veiled threats of lawsuits and job loss from their seats of power in order to frighten them in to silence. Is that an example of "doing great things for people". Hmmmm.

We get it. Most of us have been reporting on corruption and mismanagement for many, many years now. Strong-arming mobsters like Martin and McMurtry are nothing new. But our record-breaking readership numbers did reach new heights today.

Thank you Toad V. McMurtry!