Monday, December 2, 2013

Battle Stations?

The Martin Chronicles has never been a news outlet that jumps to conclusions without at least a fair amount of evidence. Despite what our hand-wringing critics-who are becoming more and more scarce with each passing day-say about us.

Would you like some examples? There are many more. But sure you would.
  • We were the first local news outlet to report Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's "odd" removal of computer equipment off employees desks. Other media outlets later reported that Martin was suspected of tampering with City computer data.  
  • We were the first news outlet to report on the tiny tyrant's misuse of City equipment and employees-for which Martin later received a confidential reprimand from the Villa Hills Ethics Board.
  • We were the first media outlet to report on Martin's wanton destruction of City records. First, burning them and then later shredding them.
  • We were the first media outlet to report on Martin's phony document that falsely claimed an accurate accounting of City records he was actually recklessly destroying. How do we know this? Because a respected judge chastised Martin for his reckless destruction of City records from the bench. 
  • We were the first media outlet to report on Martin's official misconduct and neglect of duty. Remember that Martin only avoided removal from office because two former council members were in the tank for him. This disgrace despite THE FACT that Martin was CONVICTED on SEVEN OF NINE COUNTS of OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT and NEGLECT OF DUTY.
  • We were the first media outlet to report on Martin's plans to disband the local police department. Every other media outlet finally caught on and jumped on the story earlier this year when the dishonest diminutive dictator tripped over his own tongue.
  • We were the first media outlet to report on Martin's inexplicable plan to ram through HIS NEW ENERGY TAX earlier this year.
  • We were the first media outlet to report on Martin's seemingly endless stream of not-so-special Special Meetings designed to ask the taxpayers to fund his substantial personal liability for his LIBEL, SLANDER and DEFAMATION.
This is just the tip of the diminutive dictator's abuse of power. You know there are many more examples of that abuse that other media outlets finally caught on to.

So, back to our current story. The one The Martin Chronicles has titled "Battle Stations".

Several sources from the Villa Hills Civic Club have contacted our reporters to tell them that there was a great deal of "activity" at the City Building on Sunday, December 1. These Civic Club sources witnessed Martin's "left-hand man" and some unknown others meeting at least twice that day.

These Civic Club sources are also equally convinced that Martin's "left-hand man" was meeting with some unknown others to plan damage control-and perhaps battle stations-in response to our release of the dishonest dictator's signed Municipal Order 2013-01. These sources believe that Martin's "left-hand man" and those unknown others have been tasked by Martin to come up with a response to why the tiny tyrant thinks it makes perfect sense to spend thousands of taxpayer dollars asking the Federal Bureau of Investigation to explore why one employee might possibly have double-billed for what may be-if absolutely everything the State Auditor speculated-is perhaps correct, ELEVEN HOURS OF OVERTIME stretching over more than a year of work done by a police department that Martin intentionally kept short-handed.

While we are certainly convinced that Martin is a vindictive loon, we aren't prepared to agree with the sources who are reporting these Sunday, December 1 meetings. That is why our reporters are digging, digging, digging in to this.

Is Martin capable of such profligate waste and abuse of power? Sure, his track record more than proves that.

That's why we remind Villa Hills voters that they can fix this mess in 335 days.