Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Then What Will Martin Do?

The Martin Chronicles listened to Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin casually announce that Kenton County may no longer be able to collect the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX imposed on Villa Hills resident after June 30, 2014 and collectively wondered what the diminutive dictator will do then? Does the tiny tyrant have a plan?

Will Martin use this looming problem as an excuse to renew his push for his NEW UNFAIR ENERGY TAX? MARTIN'S NEW UNFAIR ENERGY TAX disproportionately punishes Villa Hills senior citizens, residents who live in larger or older, less-energy-efficient homes, local businesses and not-for-profit schools and retirement homes who once found the City a friendly place to do business and provide their valuable services.

Will Martin move collection of the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX back to the City? This despite the fact that the perpetually dissembling Martin pledged to eliminate the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX during his dirtbag 2010 mayoral campaign? If he does so, who will he blame this time?

Will Martin suggest raising the CITY'S SNEAKY INSURANCE PREMIUM TAX as an alternative? We can just hear it now. The mendacious Martin and others like the Rhine Maiden Councilwoman Mary Koenig will justify such an increase claiming that the CITY'S SNEAKY INSURANCE PREMIUM TAX is among the lowest in Kenton County.

We have a suggestion. Why doesn't the mismanaging Martin do something original and simply tell us the truth? The last three dreadful years of his misadministration has already provided us with all of the evidence we need. Martin should announce that street repair and replacement is no longer a priority. Martin should get his new council to agree to the repeal of the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX and simply move on.

Why should the residents continue to shell out their hard-earned money for an obviously non-existent street repair program? Thanks to Martin's woefully ineffective leadership, it no longer makes sense.

Martin should live up to the solemn promise he made to the voters' who elected him as a result of his dirtbag 2010 mayoral campaign and he should finally push hard for the repeal of the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX. Remember, he is the "CEO". These issues are his to decide. Everyone else simply needs to "deal with it". Then, hopefully, we can all "move on" after we toss him out of office on November 4. 2014.

That opportunity presents itself in 320 days.