Thursday, December 5, 2013

Bar (ALMOST) None

The Martin Chronicles has been receiving several phone calls and e-mails recently about Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's negative impact on yet another organization in his troubled town. Yes, we know. You aren't surprised either.

So, what's going on? We are hearing that General Zod and his fellow ass-clowns are in a quandary. Sources say the General Zod and his fellow ass-clowns are desperately trying to figure out how to keep the mallet-headed Martin from coming in to their bar almost every miserable night.

Why? Because the malevolent Martin is killing the bar's business by running out other patrons in large numbers. Evidently, these departed patrons have finally had enough of the monotonous Martin's repetitive routine of throwing back beers and launching in to his litany of, "'F' him, 'F' her, 'F' them, 'F' those guys, 'F' these guys, 'F' it, 'F' us, 'F' you and 'F' me." The ever-growing mountain of evidence betraying the mendacious Martin's rampant incompetence and corruption has led many now-missing patrons to say, "'F' Martin" and take their business elsewhere.

We have to confess that we can't generate even a lick of sympathy for General Zod and his fellow ass-clowns. They are reaping exactly what they sowed.

We are reminded of a quote uttered by the venerable Happy Days TV icon, Arthur Herbert "The Fonz" Fonzarelli. What did "Fonzie" famously say? "If you make your bed messy, you get wrinkled." General Zod and his fellow ass-clowns are now "wrinkled", perhaps beyond repair.

How did this "wrinkling" happen? Well, General Zod and his fellow ass-clowns happily served as conduits for the mendacious Martin's endless stream of LIES. General Zod and his fellow ass-clowns were major supporters of the miscreant Martin's dirtbag 2010 mayoral campaign. General Zod and his fellow ass-clowns orchestrated the hillbilly hoedown that was the 2012 Civic Club Candidate Forum which led to the mismanaging Martin being surrounded by six new council people.

More than a year of endless lawsuits, heinous hirings, over-spending and insane tax-increase proposals later, Martin's "Golden Moment" has turned in to another unmitigated disaster. General Zod and his fellow ass-clowns deserve a healthy share of discredit for this unmitigated disaster.
