Saturday, December 21, 2013

Breaking News: You Have To Read The Fine Print

The Martin Chronicles has been receiving a smattering of calls, emails and tweets from residents who want to know what the heck happened to the City of Villa Hills Christmas Celebration. Why? Because they quickly read signs that were posted at the City's entrance and at the intersection of Collins and Amsterdam.

The explanation is simple-and damning. The signs these residents glanced at were for a poorly-attended event that happened last week. The carolers, sleigh rides and visit from Santa that these residents thought they were going to more-or-less enjoy in tonight's crappy weather took place one full week ago. Martin was just too damned lazy and stupid to take down the outdated signs.

The lesson to be learned? When you are dealing with the mallet-headed Martin-always read the fine print. That is true whether you plan to drag your children out in the rain to see Santa or you want Martin to mangle the plumbing and electric in your bathroom.

There is a way to fix all of this.
