Tuesday, December 3, 2013

More Legal Action Pending?

The Martin Chronicles phone lines and e-mail boxes are being inundated by sources contacting us about more looming litigation in malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's Villa Hills. We suspect that we'll soon be reporting on yet another round of hastily convened not-so-special Special Meetings.

For those of you who have been following recent events in Villa Hills, you probably know why more costly-to-the-taxpayers litigation is coming. Martin's-post-State Auditor report- ham-handed efforts to blame everyone else but himself for the slip-shod, wasteful operations of Villa Hills City Government are about to reap yet another expensive legal whirlwind.

The mismanaging Martin just can't seem to help himself. While he frequently beats his chest, proclaiming he is the "CEO" and informing residents that every decision is his and his alone, he refuses to accept blame for the hundreds of thousands of squandered taxpayer dollars on unnecessary overtime. Even though IT IS A FACT that Martin alone consciously chose to operate the local police department at seventy-five percent strength for well over a year.

Instead, the mendacious Martin has decided to blame everyone else for the damning State Auditor's report that has betrayed his costly mismanagement. Despite the fact that Martin has been mayor for three dreadful years spiced with proclamations of the "tight ship" he runs, he has made-here's that word again-the conscious decision to blame everyone else for his mismanagement.

Are we really to believe that the diminutive dictator who fusses and fumes over coffee, paper towels, car washes and postage meters can legitimately blame Police Chief Dan Goodenough for police overtime? And while IT IS A FACT that the State Auditor opined that there are most likely inadvertent clerical errors on the time sheets of every over-worked Villa Hills Police Officer, are we really to believe Martin's DEFAMATORY ALLEGATION that Assistant Chief Joe Schutzman committed some criminal act because of an alleged and yet-to be-verified-at worst-ELEVEN DOUBLE-BILLED hours? C'mon man.

Look, we all know the miscreant Martin begged the previous City Council to approve his proposed budget amendment totaling nearly TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND TAXPAYER DOLLARS to paper over his mismanagement of police overtime. Why? Because he didn't want to lose his wife's(?) house.

We have also shown you just one e-mail from his wife Janet-and we have more to show you-digging for information on Joe Schutzman's service in other Northern Kentucky cities. Heck, Janet Martin was even digging for information on Joe Schutzman's son. Just why do you think Janet Martin was doing that?

We have also heard current Councilmember Holly Menninger-Isenhour's persistent-and wholly inappropriate-questions about Assistant Chief Schutzman and Schutzman Inspection Services. This while Martin's personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry remained silent. Somebody continues to make a whole bunch of money during this mess. Can you guess who that is?

We've also reported on Councilmember Mary Koenig's "Tailgunner" Joe McCarthy-like pronouncement that someone "anonymously" sent her a photo of Schutzman, Goodenough, Ernie Brown and former Mayor Mike Sadouskas having lunch together. It appears that Koenig did that to cast DEFAMATORY aspersions on four friends who were simply doing some "catch-up". We sure hope Mary Koenig still has that photo. It may soon become evidence in a court case.

If you are looking for clues about who may soon be involved in a looming legal action, The Martin Chronicles may have just provided them to you. We look forward to their depositions.

What will the voters do in about 335 days?