Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Ready Or Not, Here Comes Santa Claus!

The Martin Chronicles hopes that everyone in our ever-growing audience has hung all of their stockings by their chimney with care. Why? Because St. Nicholas will soon be there.

We hope that everyone has a joyous time with family and friends tomorrow. Our beloved publisher will be throwing a party-where there is sure to be abundant wassailing-and then closing The Martin Chronicles offices early today and will keep it closed tomorrow for Christmas Day so that everyone can enjoy the day with our family and friends.

But rest assured that our beloved publisher will continue to man the ramparts of freedom during this time. Why? Because he is working on a breaking story about a belated Christmas present-consisting largely of potentially costly lump of coal and bundle of switches-that will be served to Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin and some of the more ardent members of his hillbilly lynchmob that will surely not bring smiles to their faces.

The entire staff will return to our palatial offices early in the morning of St. Stephen's Day. We'll be working on bonus coverage of the pending gift for Martin and his hillbilly lynchmob, tallying the latest results of the contest we announced during our most recent WEEKENDER edition and working on other breaking news.

As we packed up and began to head out the door late Monday evening, our beloved publisher reminded us of the famous song "The Grinch". He said, "What are the three best words to describe the first three years of the dreadful Martin Mis-administration?"

Always anxious to please, our perky young intern quickly replied, "Stink. Stank. Stunk."
