Monday, November 11, 2013

Yet Another Milestone!

The Martin Chronicles staff is grateful and also a bit overwhelmed. Why? Because their pesky little blog that covers a troubled town only 3.5 square miles in size is about to welcome its staggering 170,000th reader in the next few minutes! Why is that so satisfying and staggering? Because Villa Hills  malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's Villa Hills is mostly a tiny town in Northern Kentucky. Why do readers continue to be so interested in the small City?

Well, the miscreant Martin-who recently hopped on a jet to leave the country-is the main reason readers continue to be so interested. While most of our regular readers understand this, we think it is worthwhile taking a walk down the terrible memory lane for our periodic readers to remind everyone what keeps them coming back time and time again.
  • Readers want the details about THE FACT that the mallet-headed Martin was perfectly fine with destroying City property in a vain attempt to find some evidence that-despite what four respected judges ruled after reviewing all of the evidence-that he actually hadn't committed the FORGERY that led to his 2007 FORGERY ARREST. No, he didn't find one damned thing that would help him continue to push his LIE about his very justified 2007 FORGERY ARREST.
  • Readers want to understand why Martin falsely told 2010 voters who very narrowly elected him that he was "happy" to tell them that he wasn't suing them for $1.505 MILLION. This despite THE FACT that no less an august deliberative legal body than the US Supreme Court of the United States opined that the mendacious Martin was doing exactly that.
  • Readers want to understand why Martin used taxpayer money to put some of his cronies on the payroll. In once glaring case, Martin is paying a crony nearly FIFTY DOLLARS AND HOUR to tend to the City's financial records. Nearly three years later, council is not receiving crucial monthly financial reports in a timely manner.
  • Readers want to understand the details of the "confidential reprimand" Martin received from the Villa Hills Ethics Board for misuse of City personnel and City equipment when he was trying to ram a new ROAD TAX down their throats in 2011.
  • Readers want to understand why Martin did nothing about SEXUAL HARASSMENT CHARGES made against former Councilman Jim Noll. Noll was later arrested for running a police barricade during a serious shooting  while transporting a box of illegal drugs.
  • Readers want to understand why a respected judge lambasted Martin from the bench for the tiny tyrant's wanton destruction of City Records that involved a serious lawsuit.
  • Readers want to understand why former Councilmen Jim Noll and Mike Pope refused to remove Martin from office in October, 2012 despite THE FACT that Martin was CONVICTED ON SEVEN OF NINE COUNTS OF OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT AND NEGLECT OF DUTY.
  • Readers want to understand how Martin can possibly believe he can effectively manage long-serving, dedicated members of the Villa Hills Police Department while simultaneously-and falsely-accusing them of "unethical behavior", "perjury" "planting evidence", "selective traffic enforcement" and "intimidation".
  • Readers want to understand how the mismanaging Martin just can't make the connection between his vendetta-drive devastation of the Villa Hills Police Department and the town's sky-rocketing crime rate.
  • Readers want to understand why surrounding the miscreant Martin with six new councilmembers in November, 2012 is bringing absolutely no resolution to the very nearly three years of turmoil that engulfed Villa Hills.
  • Readers want to understand how Martin could possibly get away with hiring personal attorney Toad V. McMurtry to serve as the taxpayer-funded City Attorney. This after McMurtry called one long-serving, dedicated member of the Villa Hills Police Department "a baboon" and made other serious-and never substantiated-accusations.
  • Readers want to understand how Martin could carry on despite THE FACT that his LIE about his long-standing-vendetta-driven-desire to disband the Villa Hills Police Department was finally revealed earlier this year.
  • Readers want to understand how Martin could possibly justify signing a purchase order that put more than TWENTY-THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS in his pocket was in any way ethical or legal.
  • Readers want to understand how Martin can explain signing Executive Orders in to law granting him the power to have dissidents ARRESTED at City Council meetings.
  • Readers want to understand how Martin can justify paying for the coverage of the Kenton County Police-made necessary because of the diminutive dictator's mule-headed refusal to fully staff the local department-and then turn around and tell the taxpayers that they actually are paying for the County Police coverage.
  • Readers want to understand how Martin has so callously walked away from his pledge to repeal the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX. To date, the only alternative Martin has offered is his SNEAKY NEW ENERGY TAX that would unfairly punish senior citizens, loyal local businesses and otherwise tax-exempt organizations. Bilious blowhard County Judge Executive-and mendacious Martin supporter-Steve "taxpayer-funded granite counter-top" Arlinghaus deserves a great deal of discredit for this Martin move. A "witch-hunt", indeed.
  • Readers want to understand the mentality of otherwise-fine people who lie to investigators to protect Martin. Many of our readers simply can't understand how some of these otherwise-fine people can publicly defend Martin, proclaiming that he does "great things for people". These otherwise-fine people inexplicably blame everyone else for the persistent problems that dog Martin's misadministration of Villa Hills. After all, there is so much undeniable proof of Martin's corruption and his mean-spirited treatment of so many others.
  • Readers are trying to understand why Martin and some of his dim-bulbed supporters believe that spending nearly ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND TAXPAYER DOLLARS is an example of saving money.
  • Readers want to understand why Martin has been desperately attempting to railroad through HIS NEW ENERGY TAX. Martin brazenly avoided answering City Council's very legitimate questions, perhaps assuming that his three-member council cabal of Koenig, Isenhour-Menninger and Wischer would blindly give him the votes he needed.
  • Readers want to understand how Martin could announce that the City's once-healthy, taxpayer-funded cash reserve could be gone shortly after the first of the coming year. More shocking? Martin made that staggering announcement as casually as if he was describing what he had for lunch earlier that day.
  • Readers want to understand why Martin seems to believe he is entitled to have the already worn-out taxpayers foot the SUBSTANTIAL BILL for which the diminutive dictator is personally liable. Who do we know this? Because a respected judge already released the taxpayers from any liability for Martin's intentional LIBEL, SLANDER and DEFAMATION.
This represents just a small sampling of Martin's incredible misdeeds. Our readers are desperately trying to understand how a corrupt dullard has made such a mess of their once proud City.

Rest assured that the mismanaging Martin is totally convinced that he is doing an absolutely wonderful job. Martin is a low-brow lunatic who has an apocalyptic vision for the poor City he governs. Martin firmly believes that both his mismanagement and corruption are exactly what Villa Hills truly needs. Why? Because he is a fanatical lunatic.

But there is hope. The voters will have the opportunity to correct the tragic mistake of electing the fanatical lunatic Martin in only 358 days. They will have the opportunity to flush away the nutty Martin, the trouble-making McMurtry, Bohman, Koenig, Menninger-Isenhour, Wischer and all of the rest of Martin's venal cronies who inexplicably defend him.

Who knows what the voters will do?