Wednesday, November 27, 2013

For What Are WE Thankful

The entire staff of The Martin Chronicles is very thankful for many things on this special holiday. We are especially thankful that our beloved publisher has agreed to man phones and e-mail alone while we celebrate this wonderful day with families and friends.
  • We are extremely thankful for our rapidly growing audience, that is skyrocketing towards 200,000!
  • Yes, we are also extremely thankful that Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin continues to prove that he is indeed the reason for the season of continuing fear and loathing in his troubled town: Yes, we are very thankful that-despite the fact that voters who desperately wanted to give him a chance by electing an entirely new council in 2012-the Martin-made mess persists (call it job security, if you want).
  • Yes, we are also extremely thankful for the nitwits who continue to post "trial balloons" on Facebook and elsewhere that lay out the LIES Martin plans to tell in his 2014 bid for re-election. You know, variations on Martin's main theme that he "didn't know that then, but he knows that now."
  • Yes, we are also extremely thankful for the fact that Martin was able to hire his personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry. "The Toad" has given us a virtually endless stream of costly-to-the taxpayers-foul-ups, bleeps and blunders about which to write(can you tell that our beloved publisher has warned us about never ending a sentence with a preposition?).
  • Yes, we are also extremely thankful that Martin was able to hire Bo-Bo as his City Clerk. Bo-Bo stoked the mismanaging Martin's fires by ghost-writing press releases, random photography and false claims of inappropriate behavior. Bo-Bo is almost the best. At least in our book.
  • Yes, we are thankful that we have received documents that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is the LYING Martin and his wife Janet who have truly launched a WITCH HUNT in a bizarre attempt to clear the malfeasant Martin from what four separate judges have opined is his ILLEGAL FORGERY.
  • Yes, we are thankful for the pinheads who continue to defend the indefensible Martin and empty-headedly take to podiums to proclaim that they "trust this mayor".
COMING NEXT: Our Weekender edition will feature the Municipal Order the malevolent Martin signed in January 2013 to launch yet another witch hunt against Assistant Police Chief Joe Schutzman. That's damned odd. Why? Because Martin is falsely claiming that he didn't know anything about his mis-administration's problems that were laid bare in the recent State Auditor's report.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!