Thursday, November 7, 2013

"Tail Gunner Mary"

The Martin Chronicles is busily contacting all of its sources to learn exactly what happened at last night's-second of this week-Special Meeting hastily called by Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin. Depending on what City Council decided, that meeting could have serious implications for the taxpayers.

In the meantime, we want to let our readers know that The Martin Chronicles truly enjoys the paranoid antics of Councilwoman Mary Koenig. Koenig is a living, wheezing example of what people absolutely hate about politicians.

Like many others, The Martin Chronicles watched the video of the first hastily-convened Special Meeting Monday evening. Councilman Rod Baehner raised serious-and we strongly believe perfectly legitimate-concerns about Martin's new appointment to the City's Civil Service Board. Why? Because Mr. Baehner felt that the new appointee's frequent and inflammatory Facebook posts about City employees represent a potential problem.

What was Koenig's response to Mr. Baehner's concerns? Well, she attacked another member of the Civil Service Board. Who? That would be Villa Hills Civic Club President and Civil Service Board Member Ernie Brown.

So exactly what did Koenig claim was Mr. Brown's "sin"? Koenig said someone anonymously sent her a photo of Mr. Brown having lunch with Villa Hills Police Chief Dan Goodenough, Assistant Chief Joe Schutzman and (the dreaded former Mayor) Mike Sadouskas.

Koenig then chided Mr. Baehner about Mr. Brown's ability to be impartial in any decision that might have to be made by the Civil Service Board in the matter of the malevolent Mayor Martin's full-scale assault against Assistant Chief Schutzman. Remember that Martin has pushed his vendetta against Schutzman and the entire Villa Hills Police Department since the first day of the tiny tyrant's 2007 FORGERY ARREST.

The Martin Chronicles staff got a great laugh out of how Koenig next launched in to the standard pro forma attack on our pesky little blog. She bitterly complained that we are supposedly "anonymous". This despite the fact that she was referencing a photo she "anonymously" received. That is priceless.

What Koenig avoided mentioning is that Goodenough, Schutzman and (the dreaded former Mayor) Mike Sadouskas worked closely together for-by our count-fourteen years. Koenig also neglected to mention that Assistant Chief Schutzman and Chief Goodenough are largely responsible for recovering well over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS that had been embezzled from that same Civic Club where Mr. Brown now serves as president.

Could it possibly be that those four men were simply enjoying a lunch together because they have become friends because of their shared experiences? The paranoid Koenig evidently can't believe so. Or, maybe it simply doesn't fit in to Koenig's twisted, paranoid world view.

But we know better. So do many other people. Koenig knows exactly what she's doing. That's why a growing number of Villa Hills residents now refer to Koenig as "Tail Gunner Mary".
You see, Koenig is the modern day Villa Hills reincarnation of the 1950's vintage Senator Joe "Tail Gunner" McCarthy. The red-baiting McCarthy made it a habit of waving around documents that no one else could see to falsely try to prove that people he didn't like for whatever reason were "Communist sympathizers".
Koenig claims she has "anonymous" photos of people meeting for what was probably a friendly reunion-lunch as "proof" of some nefarious plot to undermine the corruption and incompetence of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin. Same tactic. Different era.
Nice try, Koenig. But just like the red-baiting McCarthy, you are also nothing more than an opportunistic liar. We are calling you out for your lies. In the same breath you claim you don't read The Martin Chronicles and then say "we all read it". Once again, you are caught in the unenviable position of defending a mayor who is indefensible.
Well give you a full report on City Council's important Wednesday decision and what it could mean for the taxpayers shortly.