Thursday, November 21, 2013

Who Has Been Mayor For The Past THREE Years?

The Martin Chronicles has talked to several long-time Villa Hills residents who say that the current turmoil embroiling their once-proud City is eerily reminiscent to what occurred during the chaotic end days of Mayor Steve Clark. They all believe that current malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin is using the exact same pathetic playbook.

The most obvious replay? Martin's use of the State Auditor's office to smear all those people the tiny tyrant he perpetually-and falsely-claims are "just out to get him".

In Martin's case, his bizarre smears only serve to raise serious questions about his honesty and competence. Haven't we perpetually been told by the diminutive dictator himself that he is "the CEO"? Hasn't the miniature Mussolini frequently beat his chest, claiming he "runs a tight ship", supposedly "saving" taxpayer money on postage meters, paper towels, coffee, and car washes?

So exactly how is it that tens of thousands of dollars in overtime slipped past him? His ridiculous "press release" posted on the City of Villa Hills" website raises several more questions that go straight to Martin's disdain for honesty and his incompetence.
  • If it is even remotely true that an employee-who happens to be suing Martin personally for LIBEL, SLANDER and DEFAMATION-requested pay for duplicated hours on ELEVEN OCCASIONS, how did the tight-ship-running Martin miss that? Doesn't Martin even review the small number of City employee time sheets for potential errors? Martin claims he "runs a tight ship" after all.
  • If it is even remotely true that an employee-who happens to be suing Martin personally for LIBEL, SLANDER and DEFAMATION-was billing the City for building inspection work done from 3am to 5am, did Martin ever question the employee about that? And if Martin did question the employee, what did he learn?
  • If it is even remotely true that the self-aggrandizing Martin was correct in initially refusing to pay the overtime owed the employee-who happens to be suing Martin personally for LIBEL, SLANDER and DEFAMATION-why did the Kentucky Labor Department fine the City-as Martin claims in his "press release"- for Martin's failure to pay the overtime? Is the State Auditor's Office claiming that the Kentucky Labor Department is incompetent? Or, is that a claim the mendacious Martin is making?

Do you get it now? Martin's press release-probably written by someone else-is ridiculous. Martin wants you to believe its okay for him to have it both ways. But that is total nonsense.

Again, Martin has been the Villa Hills mayor for three dreadful years. He has had more than enough time to address these issues. But evidently, he never has.

Martin wants you to believe that it is the fault of "the previous mayor" and "the previous council". But if Martin is to be believed that he is truly "running a tight ship", how can that be possible?

Martin wants to blame "the Civil Service Board, the previous mayor and the previous council" for all of these problems. But-as he himself is oh-so-fond of reminding us-he is "the CEO". He is the responsible party. He has been the responsible party for almost three dreadful years. To claim anything else in a smarmy press release-probably written by someone else-is a pile of baloney.

Martin has had almost three dreadful years to fix these so-called problems. But, he has failed to do so. The tiny tyrant can make all of the excuses he wants. But he is the responsible party.

The voters can fix the real problem in 347 days.