Friday, November 1, 2013


The Martin Chronicles has learned that Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin has called for a Special Meeting Monday night. Now what?

We have also learned that Martin and others traveled out of town for a lengthy meeting this past Wednesday. Sources believe that Monday's Special Meeting is connected to what took place at that Wednesday meeting. From the information we have been able to gather, the out of town meeting dealt with a Martin personal matter. So, it isn't clear why City Council should be involved.

Sources at the Villa Hills Civic Club tell us that Martin was in the bar Wednesday night. These same sources say that Martin was-shall we write-"highly agitated". If comments attributed to Martin are accurate, he was not at all pleased with what took place earlier in the day during his out of town meeting.

So, we are sorting through yet another "Martin mystery". Everyone may have to wait until Monday's Special Meeting to learn exactly how and why City Council is involved.

The Martin Chronicles will be working through the weekend to learn more.