Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday Update

The Martin Chronicles' hard-working staff has been busily digging to discover the results of the TWO Special Council Meetings hastily convened by Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin. What have we learned? Well, we can say, "so far, so good". That is, if you don't factor in the approval of Martin's unbelievable appointment of an inflammatory Facebook bomb-thrower to the City's Civil Service Board.

Why? Because it appears that the majority of City Council has-at least to date-respectfully declined Martin's invitation to authorize him to use taxpayer money to free him from the serious, personal legal difficulties he has created for himself.

Does that mean that the crisis has passed? Absolutely not. In fact, we fully expect Martin and his taxpayer-funded hired guns to step up their intimidation to try to make the problems Martin himself has created just go away. It's not over yet.

We will continue to investigate where this story is heading.