Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Martin Can't Seem To Help Himself

The Martin Chronicles has been watching Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin for a long time now. We can only come to one conclusion. The Tiny Tyrant has an uncontrollable compulsion to create controversy and chaos.

Behavior like that may be fine for someone "on the outside looking in". But the miasmic Martin was narrowly elected to run the City in 2010. All we have seen is conflict, confusion, chaos and corruption since he entered the mayor's office on January 1, 2011.

The mallet-headed Martin provided another glaring example of this uncontrollable compulsion at last night's hastily convened Special Meeting. So what did the Diminutive Dictator do this time?

Well, one thing Martin did was ask council to approve his new, controversial appointment to the City's Civil Service Board. Yes, tragedy created a vacancy, But Martin's controversial appointment may create an entirely different kind of tragedy.

As we have come to expect, the approval vote was split right down the middle. Martin's usually reliable cabal of Mary Koenig, Holly Menninger-Isenhour and Brian Wischer came through for the mendacious mayor and voted to approve Martin's clearly controversial appointment. The far more sensible council members who seem to actually be concerned about the City-namely Jim Cahill, Rod Baehner and Amy Balson-voted "no".

So why is Martin's appointee so controversial? Well, the newly minted member of the Civil Service Board has a well-documented history of criticizing Police Chief Dan Goodenough and Assistant Chief Joe Schutzman in Facebook posts. It's virtually impossible to imagine that this new appointee would approach any decisions about the fate of these two gentlemen with anything remotely resembling impartiality. Bad, bad, really, really bad.

The miscreant Martin's full scale assault on the career and integrity of Assistant Chief Joe Schutzman is already well-documented. Never-proven allegations of perjury, intimidation, evidence-planting and selective traffic enforcement (despite the fact that the accuser was never stopped, much less written a traffic ticket) are there for all to see.

We have also heard from several sources that Martin and his hired guns have taken direct aim at Chief Dan Goodenough's career. You already know about the allegations made by Martin's personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry against Chief Goodenough about his so-called "unethical behavior" and "failure to tell Martin that he wasn't allowed to break the law". But we now know for certain that it goes well beyond those unproven allegations.

We are still digging in to what mess last night's Executive Session might drop in to the laps of the taxpayers of Villa Hills.