Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Ready Or Not, Here It Comes

The Martin Chronicles beloved publisher decided it was his job to attend the recent press conference held by Villa Hills Assistant Police Chief's attorney Jeffrey Otis. And as he told the entire staff today, he's "damned glad he did".

Why? Because it reveals a damning series of LIES being told by Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin. It also drags Martin's wife Janet squarely in to the mix.

Oh, don't worry. The Martin Chronicles has all of the documents that back up Mr. Otis' statements-including incredible correspondence from the aforementioned Janet Martin. And we will share everything with you in the days ahead.

There is (BIG) trouble in Martin's strife torn River City. The Martin Chronicles also has it on very good authority that several lawsuits are about to be filed in the coming days.

We will begin with the statement Mr. Otis provided to the press in its entirety. Again, The Martin Chronicles also has all of the supporting documents to back up Mr. Otis' press release that you will also soon get to read.



Attorneys at Law

115 Park Place

Covington, KY  41011

(859) 261-6968 - Telephone

(859) 261-9968 – Facsimile


We are a debt relief agency



Jeffrey J. Otis                                                                              Frederick J. Johnson

                                                                                              Also admitted in Ohio

_________ ______________________________________________________________


November 23, 2013



Mrs. Cindy Schroeder

Kentucky Enquirer


Dear Mrs. Schroeder,


This letter serves as a response to the press release submitted by Mayor Michael Martin regarding the November 20, 2013 State Auditor’s Report for the City of Villa Hills.  The Mayor’s press release contains numerous inaccuracies that will be addressed by this letter and there are also several issues with the auditor’s report that will be addressed.  Before I continue this response, it should be noted that Joe Schutzman was not provided with any copy of any document that was provided to the state auditor and Joe Schutzman was not afforded any opportunity to provide any information to the state auditor’s office for this investigation. 


With respect to the auditor’s report, It should be noted that it is our position, opinion and belief that the Mayor knew about the complaint and subsequent audit prior to his allegation that he had no knowledge of the audit up and until he received notice from the State Auditor’s office in early April of 2013.  To support our position that the Mayor was aware of this issue, I would direct your attention to a January, 2013 Executive Order numbered 2013-01.  In this Executive Order, the mayor clearly indicates that he and council had a concern about Joe Schutzman’s overtime that was a subject of the state audit.  In the order, the Mayor demonstrates the desire to have an outside agency investigate Joe Schutzman and to potentially bring charges against him.  Additionally, in July of 2012 the City of Bromley received open records requests via email from both Mike and Janet Martin as demonstrated by the email addresses contained in the open records requests.  It is clear from the emails, that Mayor Martin was investigating Joe Schutzman prior to April of 2013.  It is my opinion that Mayor Martin’s statement that he did not know anything about the investigation of Joe Schutzman and that it was only brought to his attention in early April of 2013 is erroneous.  This auditor’s report is based solely upon documentation provided by the City of Villa Hills without any input from Joe Schutzman and without any opportunity for Joe Schutzman to provide additional documentation or review the information submitted for the investigation.


The Mayor addressed the four (4) findings of the state auditor’s report in his press release.  I will address each finding that the Mayor addresses in his press release, successively.  First, with respect to Finding Number One (1), if the Mayor had reviewed his own city administrative records, he would have clearly found that Joe Schutzman was promoted to the Assistant Chief of Police position in 2004.  It follows then, that if the Mayor did not provide this information to the auditor, then it is only logical that the state auditor would not have found documentation to substantiate Joe Schutzman’s promotion to Assistant Chief of Police.  While it may seem reasonable for the Mayor to fail to look that far back in the City of Villa Hills records, there is no reason why he should not have turned over City of Villa Hills Ordinance 2010-6 and 2010-8.  These ordinances established the City’s Civil Service Commission and demonstrate the position for Joe Schutzman as the Assistant Chief of Police for the City of Villa Hills and his pay range.  The increase in pay that was referenced in this part of the Mayor’s press release fails to provide the critical information that there was a meeting by and between the Mayor of Villa Hills at that time, the City Attorney at that time, and that there was an agreement to increase Joe Schutzman’s pay inasmuch as he had additional duties assigned to him as the Assistant Chief of Police, these duties included the building and zoning duties that he once performed as an independent contractor.  It should also be noted that the increase in pay was still within the pay range afforded to the Assistant Chief of Police position.


            With respect to Finding Number Two (2), the Mayor simply makes an erroneous reference to “11 instances where the employee submitted overlapping or duplicated hours, being paid twice for the same hours worked.”  The auditor’s report made reference to 11 hours of potential overtime being worked that were erroneously paid by the City of Villa Hills.  Upon performing our own inspection of Joe Schutzman’s timesheets submitted for the time period referenced, there are not any duplicative hours for Mr. Schutzman.  In fact, according to his payroll records, he actually under billed the City of Villa Hills for his time and it is clearly referenced by the state auditor in the last paragraph of Page 3 of the auditor’s report.   Additionally, the report does not account for any clerical errors that may have occurred in the entry of Joe Schutzman’s time in the payroll system.  A discrepancy noted by the auditor’s report and exploited by some potential wrong doing by Mayor Martin has easily clarified when looking at Mr. Schutzman’s payroll sheets, and proof of his inspection reports from the date in question.   

That begs the questions, “what information was provided to the auditor for his investigation?” and “why wasn’t Joe Schutzman afforded an opportunity to provide his records and provide any input into the auditor’s investigation?”


            In Finding Number Two (2), the auditor points out some additional potential discrepancies regarding overtime payments to Joe Schutzman.  This issue involved paying Mr. Schutzman  for sick leave without having his sick time hours reduced.  Simply put, this is an administrative function that is not in Joe Schutzman’s control.  This is the responsibility of the Mayor and his staff.  Likewise, the auditor’s recommendation for the City of Villa Hills to strengthen the review process to help eliminate clerical errors regarding the payment of employees is the Mayor’s responsibility, NOT Joe Schutzman’s.  The Mayor of Villa Hills has had three (3) years to amend or alter any process that needed amending.  Specifically, having a system of checks and balances to ensure that his administrative staff enters time sheets into the payroll system correctly. 


            With respect to Finding Number Three (3), the Mayor indicates in his press release that Joe Schutzman’s work hours appeared excessive.  Joe Schutzman’s work hours were not excessive, they were necessary.  Assistant Police Chief Schutzman is working in a department that is grossly under staffed and grossly over worked.  Not only did Joe Schutzman have to perform his duties as the Assistant Chief of Police, he had to perform the duties of the city’s detective, and building and zoning officer.  These three (3) roles with the City of Villa Hills is the direct responsibility of Mayor Martin and to try to defame Joe Schutzman’s character for working long hours is absolutely reprehensible.  The Mayor points out in his press release that Joe regularly worked between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m..  That was simply Mr. Schutzman’s routine.  He is an early riser and predominantly performed plan reviews and other building and zoning document reviews during this time frame.  There is absolutely nothing criminal or administratively faulty for Joe Schutzman to perform work at this time.


            With respect to Finding Number Four (4), there was a long-standing practice in the City of Villa Hills to pay officers overtime for vacation days even when that officer did not work 40 hours.  Mayor Martin was aware of this policy as a council member and as the Mayor.  All officers were subject to this policy, not just Joe Schutzman.  If the City of Villa Hills had a policy that applied to all officers, it is grossly unfair to selectively malign Joe Schutzman for being included in that policy.


            I will be faxing over some documentation to substantiate what I have stated on behalf of Joe Schutzman.  If you have any additional questions, please contact me via cell phone at 859-760-4196.


Sincerely yours,




Jeffrey J. Otis
The Batman is on it!