Monday, November 18, 2013

They're Really Not All That "SPECIAL" Anymore.

The Martin Chronicles knows the majority of its vast readership is pretty darn smart. So they know-like we do-that all of these no-longer-so-"special" Special Meetings being called by Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin don't bode well for anyone paying taxes in the tiny tyrant's town.

The latest in this rapid-fire succession of no-longer-so-"special" Special Meetings took place Monday night. Once again, the topic du jour was "pending litigation". As you probably recall, the only reason there was an all-so-brief respite from these no-longer-so-"special" Special Meetings was caused by Martin's temporary departure from the United States. Well, Martin is back. And so are the no-longer-so-"special" Special Meetings.

We have been told that Martin's personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry was recently elected to serve as president of the Northern Kentucky Bar Association. Yipee Ki Yo Ky Yay!! We next expect to be told that the mismanaging Martin has been named the Northern Kentucky Bar Association's "Man of the Year". Why? Because Martin's actions are generating a taxpayer-funded fortune in billings for several local attorneys. Villa Hills' diminutive dictator is proving to be a real "rain maker" for several Tri-State law firms.

So what the heck is going on? Several sources express deep concern that the mendacious Martin is trying to hoodwink the City Council in to-at the very least-granting him the shameful permission to negotiate an at least partially taxpayer-funded-settlement in one open lawsuit. Remember that Martin and others traveled to Lexington for an attempted mediation of one current lawsuit.

These sources believe there may be a grave problem with the City Council granting the malevolent Martin that "permission". Why? Because Martin may be asking City Council to grant him permission to negotiate an at-least-partially-taxpayer-funded settlement for a lawsuit where a respected judge has already ruled that the taxpayers have absolutely no liability. If that is the case, any use of taxpayer money to get Martin off of a personal lawsuit hook would be a travesty.

Unlike Martin, The Martin Chronicles is not vindictive. But we do have a very strong sense of fairness. It would be completely unfair for the taxpayers to be asked to pony-up even one red cent to assist Martin for the settlement of a lawsuit in which a respected judge has already ruled these taxpayers have zero liability.

We already know that Martin intentionally told LIE after LIE after LIE after LIE after LIE to narrowly win his 2010 mayoral race. If some of those intentional LIES crossed the threshold of LIBEL, SLANDER and DEFAMATION, it is Martin-and Martin-alone-who should face the financial music. The taxpayer should absolutely not be asked-once again-to bail out Martin for his intentional LIES.

Again, The Martin Chronicles is absolutely not vindictive. But if Martin's intentional LIES have put him on some sort of a financial hook, let him deal with it. It shouldn't be the taxpayers-writ-large. Other could help.
  • If an ever-diminishing number of bar-binging asshats have to hold a fundraiser to help Martin out of his self-created financial mess, as the Branch Norwoodians might say, "So be it".
  • If the now-silent, "Don't Tread On Me" flag-waving-tri-cornered-hat-wearing-we-trust-Martin's-dishonest-pledge-to-rid-us-of-the-UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX want to make donations to Martin's legal defense fund, as he Branch Norwoodians might say, "So be it".
  • If the St. Joker's "Heavy Drinking Men" membership wants to cut a check to assist Martin's current legal jams, as the Branch Norwoodians might say, "So be it."
  • If the hand-wringing bed-wetters who lied to investigators or feel compelled to proclaim that Martin "does great things for people" want to part with some of their own cash to bail Martin out of his personal legal problems, as the Branch Norwoodians might say, "So be it."
  • If the gun nuts who support Martin's vendetta-driven destruction of the local police department want to hold a turkey shoot to raise money for Shorty's legal difficulties, as the Branch Norwoodians might say, "So be it." 
If these erstwhile-Martin-supporters don't step up, too bad. A respected judge has already ruled that Villa Hills taxpayers are absolutely not responsible for any of Martin's intentional LIES, SLANDER and DEFAMATION.

Villa Hills voters can fix this dishonest mess in 350 days (from Tuesday).