Tuesday, November 12, 2013

More Questions And Concerns

The Martin Chronicles has learned that the monthly meeting of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's Finance Committee has been postponed until at least November 25. Why is that significant? Because the regular, televised monthly meeting has been moved to this week because of the upcoming Thanksgiving Holiday.

So, once again, City Council-and the residents-will not have the benefit of a comprehensive report from the Finance Committee on the state of Martin's use of the taxpayer's money. Why is that important? Because City Council is statutorily-tasked with the obligation of performing oversight on Martin's use of those taxpayer dollars.

If this was not a persistent problem, The Martin Chronicles could simply attribute the postponement of the meeting to the likely possibility that Martin's $47.50 per hour bookkeeper hasn't had sufficient time to prepare detailed-and correct-reports. The meeting is being held two weeks early, after all.

But, the failure to produce detailed-and correct-reports for City's Council's thorough review prior to regular Council Meetings has been-and continues to be-a persistent problem. A reasonable person could certainly conclude that Martin feels no need to share this vital information with the City Council-and the residents whose money Martin is spending at unprecedented levels-in a timely manner.

Under normal circumstances, this may not seem like a major issue. But Villa Hills has not experienced "normal circumstances" for most of the nearly-three dreadful years Martin has (mis)managed City Government.
  • You see, the taxpayers of Villa Hills-and the frequently aforementioned City Council-have several serious issues on their collective financial plates:
  • Martin has been on a full-scale, vendetta-driven mission to disband the local police department-wanting to replace it with some outsourced coverage-for almost the entire three years of his dreadful first-and hopefully, only-term as mayor. What is the financial impact on the taxpayers of this intentionally-evasive effort? No one seems to know. Except maybe Martin.
  • Martin signed a purchase order to pay himself the reimbursement of more than TWENTY THREE THOUSAND TAXPAYER-FUNDED DOLLARS of un-negotiated legal bills of his personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry's defense in a removal hearing that resulted in CONVICTION ON SEVEN OF NINE COUNTS OF OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT AND NEGLECT OF DUTY.
  • Martin has hired several additional attorneys and law firms to file lawsuits, rewrite City policy and otherwise harass the residents. To date, City Council and the residents have not received a full accounting of Martin's profligate spending on these additional attorneys and law firms.
  • Martin is recklessly attempting to have the taxpayers fund a multi-six figure settlement of a LIBEL, SLANDER AND DEFAMATION LAWSUIT from which a respected judge has already ruled the taxpayers have no liability. This judge has ruled that Martin is personally responsible for his DEFAMATORY LIES. The residents have an absolute right to know what Martin is doing.
Oh, its even worse. Sources suggest that elected and appointed City officials have gone so far as to discuss BANKRUPTCY for the City as a means of protecting the City's dwindling resources from the impact of Martin's ongoing LIBEL, SLANDER AND DEFAMATION. How could a possible action like that impact the future of Villa Hills? This mess can all be blamed on Martin.

The voters can fix this mess in 356 days.