Monday, November 4, 2013

What's Up Tonight?

The Martin Chronicles has been watching the calendar. Today is November 4, 2013. In 365 days-commonly known by most folks as "one year"-Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin will be facing the voter's verdict on his first abjectly miserable term in the mayor's office.

For those of you who believe there just may be a light at the end of this tumultuous tunnel, please remember the old adage that the light may be from that oncoming freight train. Martin's non-stop LYING fooled barely enough "dupes and dopes" to get him elected in 2010. There is no guarantee that it won't happen yet again.

Sure, Martin isn't very bright. In fact, he's pretty much embarrassingly stupid. He's completely mismanaged the City's finances and personnel. He's been stung by a confidential reprimand from the Villa Hills Ethic Board. He's been dressed down by a judge for his ILLEGAL DESTRUCTION of City records. He's been convicted on SEVEN OF NINE COUNTS OF OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT AND NEGLECT OF DUTY. He's generated more costly lawsuits that Stan Chesley. But don't forget, Martin is a remarkably skilled LIAR. And many of those same "dupes and dopes" still live in Villa Hills.

The latest in the far too long line of Martin's nearly three full years of strange twists and turns will take place this evening. Martin has hastily convened a Special Meeting of City Council for tonight. It seems damned odd.

It appears that Martin wants council to approve an appointment to the City's Civil Service Board. Yes, tragedy has created an opening. But Martin has used TAXPAYER MONEY to hire a squad of high-priced attorneys to invalidate the authority of the Civil Service Commission. So why is he in such a hurry to appoint a new member to a Commission he evidently believes shouldn't even exist? Again-at first blush-that seems damned odd.

The Special Meeting agenda also tells us that Martin wants to discuss "pending litigation" and "employee issues". Oh joy! That means Martin will be dragging the council BEHIND CLOSED DOORS.

Remember our report about Martin's out-of-town trip last Wednesday? Several sources tell us that it dealt with a Martin personal legal matter. Also remember that the reason this is a Martin personal legal matter is that a judge has ruled that the City-meaning the already OVER-TAXEDPAYERS-were absolutely not a party to this Martin legal matter.

If council is going to be asked to expend even one slim over-taxedpayer dime to help Martin extricate himself from what a judge has already deemed the over-taxedpayers aren't party to, we know what council should say. Council shouldn't just say, "NO". Council should resoundingly say, "HELL NO!". If council does anything else, it is an absolute abomination for those aforementioned over-taxedpayers.

We know Martin has made an abjectly crummy political career out of deflecting attention away from his own obvious and proven criminality and incompetence by falsely accusing a number of undeserving hard-working people of all manner of wrong-doing. We strongly sympathize with all of those hard-working and undeserving folks who have been victimized by Martin's LIES. Martin will have to answer for those LIES someday.

But the over-taxedpayers should no longer be asked to pay to clean up the personal messes Martin has made all on his own. The current council need to take the correct stand. A respected judge has already ruled that the malevolent Martin is dealing with a personal issue.

The City Council needs to resoundingly tell the mendacious Martin, "HELL NO!" if they are asked to expend over-taxed payer money on a personal issue. City Council needs to ignore any self-serving advice that may come from Martin's personal-and now City-Attorney. They need to resist the temptation to make one of the many problems Martin-and others-have created to just go away.

Words have consequences. And those consequences should be properly assigned to the correct people. And it is not the over-taxedpayers. Council has the ability to make that happen. City Council needs to decide to hold Martin accountable for his own personal LIES.

We'll see what happens.