Wednesday, November 13, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: Always Set A Good Example

The Martin Chronicles is well aware of the fact that some people are really, really, really displeased with us. As our beloved publisher always reminds us, that goes with the territory. As you can imagine, we hear from far more people who are really, really, really displeased with Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin and his gang of venal cronies.

People have been filling our e-mail boxes and burning up our phone lines today expressing displeasure with Council woman Holly Menninger-Isenhour. Why? Because of what they believe is her callous disregard for the neighborhood. These people are very upset with Menninger-Isenhour because they say she has deposited all of her yard debris in the street.

Sure, it may seem like a small issue. But it is not a small issue to her neighbors. These neighbors believe any elected official should go the extra mile to set a good example. We are inclined to agree. Menninger-Isenhour is part of the cabal-led by the mendacious Martin-who have built their political careers on falsely claiming all manner of wrongdoing by their predecessors. These elected pinheads should realize that their every move is being closely scrutinized for that reason-and several more.

We have also learned that the miscreant Martin issued an Executive Order placing City Clerk Craig Bohman is charge of the City right before the tiny tyrant left the country. Many people are wondering how Bohman will exercise his newly granted authority.

Will he be like:
  • Former Secretary of State Al "I'm in charge here" Haig?
  • The Reverend vocalist Al "Let's Stay Together" Green?
  • The famous gangster Al "If somebody messes with me, I'm messin' with them" Capone?
  • The classic Al-i Baba of "The Forty Thieves" fame?
  • Former Vice President Al "The inventor of the internet" Gore?
  • Ranting activist Al "What do you mean Tawana Brawley was a fake?" Sharpton?
  • Grandpa Munster actor Al "Ibbedy, Dibbedy!" Lewis?
  • TV broadcaster Al "Do you believe in miracles?" Michaels?
  • Current lousy Senator and former lousy comedian Al "I did not steal that election." Franken?
  • Musician Al "Year of the Cat" Stewart?
  • Indy driver Al "you're conducting selective traffic enforcement!" Unser, Jr.?
  • Liberal mouthpiece Al "No, this is not a toupee!" Hunt?
  • Famous TV dad Al "It's none of your business why I keep putting my hand down my pants!" Bundy?
  • The "number one" prediction? Weird Al Yankovic!
Our guess? It will be a dreadful combination of all of the above.