Friday, November 29, 2013


The Martin Chronicles is examining stacks of documents recently released by Assistant Chief Joe Schutzman's attorney, Jeffery Otis. We've already released a couple of them to our rapidly expanding audience.

What they reveal is nothing short of shocking. These documents indicate a systematic effort by Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin-and his conspirators-to do serious damage to Schutzman's reputation. Martin's actions have the explosive potential to do severe harm to the taxpayers of the tiny tyrant's troubled town.

The mendacious Martin wants residents to believe that he knew nothing about the persistent problems in his mis-administration. You know Martin's standard excuse. "I didn't know that then. But I know that now." Whatever the devil "that" is.

Instead, we now know that Martin signed Municipal Order 2013-01 way back in January, 2013-just as his "Golden Moment" was supposed to begin-that definitively proves Martin not only did know, but was also hell-bent on doing his level best to deflect attention away from his own incompetence and mismanagement by blaming Assistant Chief Schutzman.

Are you with us so far? Good. So, without further adieu, we present the MARTIN-SIGNED Municipal Order 2013-01.



WHEREAS, the City Council has learned certain information that is concerning to it, including, without limitation, the request for, the approval of, and payment of approximately $100,000 in overtime in 2011 and/or 2012 to Assistant Police Chief Joe Schutzman and approval of same by Police Chief Dan Goodenough; and

WHEREAS, the City Council has been informed that Assistant Chief Schutzman has been employed by the Cities of Ludlow and Bromley, Kentucky; and

WHEREAS, certain other overtime requests have likewise been made and continue to be incurred;

NOW THEREFORE, in connection with K.R.S. 83A.130, the City Council hereby directs that an investigation occur into this overtime as follows:

1) The Mayor shall report to City Council, not later than March 30, 2013, as to the propriety of the overtime requests, approval, and payment; and
2) The Mayor, to avoid any appearance of conflicts of interest and/or to bring in outside expertise, may retain outside legal counsel, on behalf of the City Council and/or Mayor, to conduct this investigation and pay said legal counsel not more than $2,500 to investigate this issue; and
3) That any legal counsel so retained shall have and is hereby designated the investigatory powers of City Council, as set forth in K.R.S. 83A.130.
4) That if the Mayor, or outside legal counsel, determine that illegal, improper, or unethical conduct occurred, the Mayor is directed as follows:
a. To report the matter to any law enforcement agency, including, without limitation, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and or the Kentucky State Police; and
b. To bring such charges as are supported by probable cause before the Villa Hills Civil Service Commission, and to prosecute same by and through the Mayor, or outside legal counsel, with an additional $2,500 authorized for the prosecution of any matter before the Villa Hills Civil Service Commission if warranted; and
c. To report to the City Council, in executive session, at the March, 2013 regular meeting as to the status of this Order and any investigation, unless the matter is referred in paragraph 3)a, or charges will be brought as provided in paragraph 3)b, in which case the Mayor shall advise City Council that no report will be given until after the conclusion of any matter.


Oh, brother. First of all, this Municipal Order clearly proves that Martin was fully aware of the overtime problems he himself created.

Secondly, you should keep in mind that the Kentucky Labor Department ordered Martin to pay the overtime under a very serious threat of daily fines. Was Martin trying to say that the Kentucky Labor Department's review of the overtime mess the diminutive dictator himself created was somehow flawed?

No, Martin simply wants to use taxpayer money to continue the vendetta he has been pushing against the Villa Hills Police Department for several years. This vendetta is another example of Martin's perpetual habit of assigning blame to everyone else for problems he creates.

And the taxpayer may pay a dear price for this Martin deception.