Wednesday, March 27, 2013

What's The Buzz?

The Martin Chronicles remembers the quaint little front page article in the local paper back in late December 2012. You may remember it too. While other Northern Kentucky mayors were hoping for relatively important things to happen in their cities in 2013, Villa Hills’ malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin expressed his desire for “some good publicity”. Setting aside the self-centeredness of it all, we have to wonder how Martin could possibly think that his early 2013 actions could generate any of his coveted “good publicity”.

First of all, his well-over-two year SECRET PLAN to destroy the Villa Hills Police department was outed quite by accident. He has been caught in LIE after LIE after LIE after LIE after LIE about how he has handled his plan to finally rid himself of the two men he incorrectly blames for his 2007 FORGERY ARREST, Chief Dan Goodenough and Assistant Chief Joe Schutzman. What’s the buzz? Except for the civic club ass clowns, neo-Nazis and Tea Party fanatics who helped get him elected in 2010, people are none too pleased with this “happy accident” of a revelation. 

Heck, Martin accidentally admitted that “The decision has been made” to disband the police department to WCPO. Again, check out YouTube by searching "Martin lying? Decision has been made 3.20.13" and hear Martin’s words for yourself.
Then there is the astounding revelation that Martin has paid himself a virtually UNDOCUMENTED $23,000-PLUS OF YOUR MONEY. What is his claim? That he is being reimbursed for his personal attorney Toad McMurtry’s seemingly excessive legal fees. What is the problem? The scant documentation Martin did provide leaves more than $13,000 unaccounted for. And that amount is giving Martin a huge benefit of the doubt. Why? Because the mendacious mayor refuses to provide any canceled checks or credit card receipts that would prove he paid any of Toad McMurtry’s invoice.
Oh, there’s even more that is interesting about Martin’s $23,000-plus TAXPAYER FUNDED WINDFALL. The mendacious Martin says he “didn’t ask to reimbursed” for his legal fees. So does he want us to believe that Toad McMurtry “went rogue” when he filed a LAWSUIT AGAINST YOU for the money? Nonsense. You know better than that. Martin authorized a LAWSUIT AGAINST YOU to essentially blackmail the outgoing council to vote to approve his $23,000-plus TAXPAYER FUNDED PAYOUT.

Lastly, there is the absolute debacle that took place at the March 20 council meeting. Martin ran absolutely roughshod over the free speech rights of several residents who wanted to comment about the malevolent mayor's SECRET PLAN to destroy the police department.
Martin went so far as to demand that a teacher from River Ridge Elementary School be forcibly removed from the meeting. Police Chief Dan Goodenough risked his job, refusing to remove the teacher. Why? Because she had done nothing wrong-except for dare to ask Martin a question about his SECRET PLAN TO DISBAND THE VILLA HILLS POLICE DEPARTMENT.

Martin’s crazy actions are rich. He justifies his ongoing SECRET MEETINGS by saying people should attend them. Why? Martin isn’t going to allow any of what he thinks are “dissidents” and “radicals” talk about their concerns anyway. Martin hypocritically spoke of “transparency” during his 2010 dirtbag mayoral campaign. What a cruel joke on the residents.
There are 587 DAYS until the fanatical Martin stands for re-election.

[EDITOR'S NOTE: Witnesses at the Crescent Springs Easter Egg Hunt tell us that the mortified Martin continues to refuse to talk to residents about his SECRET PLAN TO DISBAND THE VILLA HILLS POLICE DEPARTMENT. We are told that Martin was using his unfortunate granddaughter as a human shield to deflect every question.]