Thursday, March 7, 2013

Right On Cue

The Martin Chronicles isn't really sure whether its a good thing that we can read Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin like a Kindergarten reading-level book. But, good or no, we can. You know. Like "L" is for LIE.

We recently posted about Martin's "Saving Money" myth. The little fella likes to beat his chest about it. And yet, he hasn't saved any money. None at all. Last night's monthly SECRET MEETING provided all of the evidence everyone but the civic club ass clowns need to reveal Martin's LIE.

Two things happened last night. First, we learned that Martin will need council to approve a budget amendment-yet again. In case you don't know what that means, it means that MARTIN OVERSPENT THE CITY'S BUDGET-yet again. How can any honest person claim they are "saving money" when they overspend their budget. Of course they can't. But then Martin is anything but an honest person.

Remember, there were two things that happened. The other event involved YOUR TAXES GOING UP-yet again. Yes, you read that right. Martin plans to RAISE YOUR PROPERTY TAXES BY THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT ALLOWED BY LAW-yet again. So again we ask. How can anyone but a pathological liar claim they are "saving money" when they RAISE YOUR TAXES? Obviously they can't.

But wait, there's more. Here is the good news. It appears council may finally be getting around to repealing THE UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX. We support that. It simply hasn't worked. Besides, Martin hasn't done a lick of street repair.

Oh, but there is bad news as well. Martin and council are already talking about "replacing" the sticker tax revenue. "Replacing revenue" is a hack politician's euphemism for RAISING ANOTHER TAX.

Rest assured that YOUR TAXES WILL GO UP. Our early prediction? Martin will push the council to INCREASE THE INSURANCE PREMIUM TAX. Martin will chirp that Villa Hills' insurance premium tax rate is lower than most other Kenton County cities.

Hey, isn't that a good thing?

[EDITOR'S NOTE: We have a lot more to report on Martin's latest SECRET MEETING. Stand by.]