Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The "Saving Money " Myth

The Martin Chronicles staff has to remind itself that the populace of Villa Hills isn't just a grotesque collection of civic club ass clowns, Tea Party fanatics, St. Jokers, hillbillies, gun nuts and EDDIE. While that grotesque collection delivered the narrowest of mayoral victories to malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin at the conclusion of his dirtiest of dirtbag 2010 campaigns, they in no way represent the way everyone in Villa Hills thinks.

Much like people everywhere else, a lot of Villa Hills townsfolk seem decent enough. They go to work every day, take care of their children, manage their household budgets and try to enjoy their lives as best they can. In short, most are very busy. That is why most also have very little awareness of how the dishonest and dim-witted Martin has squandered away Villa Hills' solid reputation and sound position.

That lack of awareness is a cause for concern. What little most people know of the goings-on in government focuses on the turmoil in Washington DC and maybe Frankfort. Even though the city government has the most direct impact on their daily lives. Case in point? If Martin is successful in his SECRET EFFORTS to disband the Villa Hills Police Department, a city already in decline will nosedive in to a FREE FALL.

This dangerous lack of awareness makes people susceptible to the dishonest drumbeat that is sure to come from the aforementioned grotesque collection of nitwits who support Martin. While it may not seem so, Martin is already campaigning for his 2014 re-election. The people of Villa Hills will be asked to pick its mayor in 608 days. These voters need to hear more than the drivel Martin and his hillbilly lynchmob disseminate. The non-stop stream of LIES worked in 2010. Villa Hills really can't afford to have it work again in 2014.

The biggest Martin LIE? That he is somehow "saving money". If that were the case, why did Martin frantically beg the council for a six-figure budget amendment last year? If he were telling the truth, why does Martin keep increasing your taxes? If he was being honest, why hasn't THE UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX been repealed? After all, no street work of any significance has been done in more than two years. If Martin's idea of "saving money" is represented by designating the duty of a young police officer involved in a shooting incident as NON-HAZARDOUS for pension purposes, he's even sicker than we think. That is saying a lot.

The Martinites will tell you that Martin is "saving you money". And you know what? Much like their hero has been for years, THEY ARE LYING TO YOU.