Monday, March 11, 2013

So . . . Which Is It?

The Martin Chronicles can spot a con job from many miles away. That's why we have such a good read on Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin. You see, the last twenty-seven months of Martin's embarrassing Reign of Error have been a non-stop con job.

One of the biggest con jobs Martin has pulled on the taxpayers is hiring his long-time crony Cordelia Schaber. He pays her an outrageous $47.50 per hour of YOUR MONEY allegedly to track the City's finances. It should come as no surprise to anyone that the results have been appalling. In the rare instance that financial reports are presented to council, they are virtually indecipherable. Inside sources confirm that the problems are only getting worse.

But Martin uses the poor auditor who does the annual review of the City's books as a human shield to defend Schaber's incompetence. How? Well, Martin is fond of saying, "The auditor says Cordelia is doing a good job. He does. He really does. Yeah. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. He-he-he-he-he".

So Martin thinks the auditor's opinions are sacrosanct? As if Moses brought them down, chiseled in stone, from the mountain top? Is that right? You don't say. Interesting.

Because if that were true, why is Martin ignoring another key piece of advice from the auditor? You would think Martin would pay more attention. After all, Martin has asked the council to approve yet another budget amendment. Martin is also asking council to RAISE YOUR TAXES again this year. Why? Because the little fella has COMPLETELY MISMANAGED THE MONEY HE HAS TAKEN FROM YOU.

What auditor advice might help? Well, the auditor has opined that the hiring of an EIGHTH POLICE OFFICER WOULD SAVE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS A YEAR OF YOUR TAX DOLLARS.

So, let's see if we have this right. Martin squanders $47.50 per hour of YOUR MONEY on someone who can't do the job because the auditor says so. But he continues to flush HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS OF YOUR MONEY down a rathole despite what the auditor says. So do we trust the auditor . . . or not? Which is it?

We were supposed to learn Martin's reasons for his refusal to bring the police department to correct staffing levels more than a year ago. Remember? Martin promised to go door-to-door to explain his reasoning to the residents. He decided to distribute a mud-slinging, libelous letter blaming everyone else for his many failures instead.  

Because that is all he really knows how to do.

Playing in the mud, The Secret Garden Party 2008