Thursday, March 28, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: Dismantling The Police Department

The Martin Chronicles has learned that malevolent Mayor Mike Martin and vile ancient crocodile Councilman Mary Koenig have conspired in an attempt to provoke Chief Dan Goodenough in to an incident of insubordination.

What happened? Koenig ordered the public works department to REMOVE THE SECURITY DOOR FROM THE POLICE OFFICES. Yes, you read that correctly. Koenig ordered THE SECURITY DOOR REMOVED.

What was Koenig's phony reason? She said she wanted to be able to use the women's restroom in the building. Interesting time for the grimalkin Koenig to begin a new trend, isn't it?

Goodenough asked the miscreant Martin to intercede on behalf of police department security. The chief went so far as to suggest giving Koenig a key to the security door so she could use it to access the bathroom. Martin took the side of the vile ancient crocodile and AGAINST THE SECURITY OF YOUR POLICE OFFICERS. 

Anyone who still has their head in the sand believing that the decision hasn't already been made to disband your police department is fooling themselves. Yes, EDDIE, you are getting exactly what you voted for.