Friday, March 22, 2013

Draw Your Own Conclusions

The Martin Chronicles thinks that any reasonable person who has been paying attention to the ridiculous twists and turns of the past three months will come to the same conclusion we have. What is that? Well, the electorate surrounded Martin with an entirely new council hoping there would be whatever they thought “peace” might be. Instead, we are seeing Martin’s “Fools-Golden Moment”.

As we wrote in a recent post, we have forensic accountants trying to make sense of the paper trail left in the wake of Martin receiving a TAXPAYER-FUNDED payment of more than $23,000 of YOUR MONEY. We are preparing a line-by-line report to present to you in the next few days. But let’s hit on a number of the important issues.

First, the City Purchase Order that was issued to generate the $23,000-plus taxpayer-funded payment to Martin was approved by the signature of, well, uh, Mike Martin himself. We understand that Villa Hills’ City government is small. But Martin approving such a large taxpayer-funded payment to himself at best doesn’t look good. At worst? Draw your own conclusions.

Second, a careful review of the invoices from Martin’s then-personal attorney Toad McMurtry does not indicate that the $23,000-plus fee was ever paid-in-full. We will report how the documents leave an amount of more than $13,000 -how best to say it-a mystery. So what does this mean? Draw your own conclusions.

 Third, we are told that Martin refuses to produce any canceled checks or credit card receipts documenting that what he owed to Toad McMurtry was indeed paid-in-full. His reason? Martin says he won’t produce the documentation because it is “personal”. That defense is the proverbial bucket without a bottom. It won’t hold a single drop of water. Why? Because when THE TAXPAYERS foot a bill of over $23,000 It is certainly not “personal”. The meaning of Martin’s refusal to provide thorough documentation for the TAXPAYER-FUNDED $23,000-plus payment? Draw your own conclusions.

Fourth, we suggest you compare Toad McMurtry’s bill to that of Special Counsel Phil Taliaferro’s invoice for services rendered to the City of Villa Hills. While you are doing that comparison, keep in mind that Mr. Taliaferro and others in his firm worked for well over a year leading up to the October, 2012 removal hearing. Toad McMurtry? Well, Martin hired him in September, 2012 and the invoices indicate that he billed Martin into January, 2013. The math? Far less than half the time Taliaferro and his staff tried to sort out Martin’s Official Misconduct and Neglect of Duty. Our suggestion? Draw your own conclusions.

 Fifth, the rumor mill is suggesting that Martin is about to bring on his former personal attorney Toad McMurtry to replace outgoing City Attorney Mike Duncan. That same rumor mill is suggesting any number of possibilities. Our advice to you? Draw your own conclusions.

 Finally, ever since Martin’s 2007 FORGERY ARREST, through his dirtbag 2010 mayoral campaign and during the entire dreadful first two years as mayor Martin has made it a routine habit of suggesting other long-serving public officials have committed all manner of wrongdoing. We aren’t telling you what to think about Martin’s $23,000-plus cash windfall. We are suggesting something else. And that is? Draw your own conclusions.

[EDITOR'S NOTE: We are working on an in-depth report in to Martin's hiring of vile ancient crocodile Councilman Mary Koenig's CABANA BOY Craig Bohman as City Clerk. Stay tuned.]
[PUBLISHER'S NOTE: A long time observer of Northern Kentucky political corruption recently quipped, "How is it that the Butler County, Ohio prosecuter was able to indict the GROUNDHOG and the overly-ambitious Rob Sanders fumbled Mike Martin's FORGERY indictment? Pitiful, pitiful, pitiful."]

WEEKENDER: The Ongoing Misadventures Of Jim Noll
Photo: A groundhog sitting in the grass