Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Bellicose Bell Cows

The Martin Chronicles continues to hear from its sources about Villa Hills' malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's ongoing covert plans to destroy YOUR police department. It's funny how new council people who express concern about what they describe as "LEAKS" continue to spout off in places where we have many, many, many eyes and ears. Don't get us wrong. We aren't complaining. Just truly amazed.

Vile ancient crocodile Councilman Mary Koenig was tripping the light fantastic at an event recently. She had her ineffectual RINO son mAdam Koenig in tow. Several tipsters tell us that Fraulein Koenig was almost "giddy" about being back on council. Why? Because she said "we can finally get some things done".

Don't kid yourself. Koenig has nothing positive in mind. This is the woman who witnesses tell us sat at a breakfast with other elected officials at a Kentucky League of Cities convention the first year she served on council back in the last century. Koenig belligerently explained her planned struggle.

She checked off her list of intended targets (much like the miscreant Martin does as he entertains the civic club ass clowns with the litany of people he is going to "pick off one at a time). Observers say they were shocked as-between stabs of her sausage-Koenig said,"WE'RE IN CHARGE NOW. Here's what comes next. Denny Stein-GONE! Bob Kramer-GONE! Sue Kramer-GONE! Corky Brown-GONE!" Ain't it funny how history repeats itself? If for no other reason than a few too many voters are little more than sheeple.

You know what? Koenig darn near pulled it off last time. Worse yet, she is in far better shape to get what she wants this time. Why? Because she has a mindless, pointless wrecking ball in the mayor's office and a couple of clueless puppets (HBM-I and Wischer) in her hip pocket.

More On Martin's LEAKS
While we're on the subject of "leaks", we've learned some things from last night's finance meeting:
  • Martin persists in his odd game of "keep-a-way" with what he is doing with YOUR MONEY. Jim Cahill, Amy Balson and others continue to ask legitimate questions about that twisted bag of snakes referred to as the City Financials. $47.50 per hour crony hire clerk/bookkeeper Cordelia Schaber sends them to Martin and Martin keeps telling the questioners that he'll "look in to it, he-he-he-he-he". Given the fact that there are those still waiting for answers from Martin for questions asked in 2007-good luck.
  • Budgets are the ultimate representation of a person's PRIORITIES. While Martin contends that safety is his "first priority", his budget proposal betrays that claim as another of his many, many LIES. At least for the moment anyway. How so? No funding for the eighth police officer. When you add the untalented Cordelia Schaber in to the mix, YOUR tax dollars are funding as many administrative and public works employees as police. In a city facing a skyrocketing crime wave-that makes absolutely no sense.
  • We hear that while Martin plans to INCREASE YOUR PROPERTY TAXES BY THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT ALLOWED BY LAW, he hasn't quite worked out the "spin" on his justification for doing so. Other than of course that HE CAN.