Sunday, February 5, 2012

A Super Day

We’ve Come A Long Way Since October 8, 2011
The Martin Chronicles publisher has invited the staff over to “the shack” for a blowout Big Game party. But our blog has another very big reason to celebrate today. The little blog that has been reporting on the trials and tribulations of Mayor Mike Martin’s Villa Hills for just a few days short of four months is welcoming its 15,000th unique visitor today!
As we are fond of saying, not bad for a city that encompasses barely 3.5 square miles. The town may be fairly small. The entire population of this currently-embarrassed city totals less than 8,000 residents. But the problems are huge. We believe that is why our audience continues to grow.
The Martin Chronicles has some folks to thank. First and foremost, we owe a great deal to the man for whom we named the blog. Mike Martin has provided us with a virtual torrent of scandal and nitwittery that we have to admit surprises even us.
Martin is also surrounded by an interesting cast of characters that provide endless shocking revelations. Council members Pope and Noll, $47.50 per hour bookkeeper Cordelia Schaber, Cordelia’s husband the libeling Dale, the endlessly-interim city clerk, the city attorney, the dinosaur media, the troglodytes at the Civic Club, the St. Joe’s Heavy Drinking Men’s Society, the Finance Committee, the Ethics Board and all the other various and sundry tri-cornered hat wearing government-haters make us look forward to getting down to business every single day. We know we’ve left many, many pinheads off the preceding list. They needn’t worry. We’ll get back to them.
Look for things to really start heating up. No, we haven’t heard any rumors that Martin has ignited another City records bonfire. Instead, we hear that Special Counsel Phil Taliaferro’s investigation is entering a new phase. It is now far closer to the end than the beginning. Today’s word of the day: “Interrogatories”. More about that coming in future posts.
Isn’t this fun?