Thursday, February 16, 2012

Preliminary Council Meeting Report

The Martin Chronicles wants to extend a special “THANK YOU” to WCPO-TV for jumping on the dinosaur media bandwagon that is now covering what we have been dutifully reporting to you since our launch October 8, 2011. They got to witness yesterday’s spectacle demonstrating what happens when an apathetic community elects a man devoid of leadership, and worse, integrity.
Our reporters have been literally working all night on the many storylines that came out of last night’s council meeting debacle. From a Martin-proposed City Clerk being voted down to a silly discussion about a parade that we suspect will soon take both tarred and feathered Martins to the City limits.
The phone lines are still burning and the e-mails are flying. We will begin posting stories in the coming hours. As one of our intrepid reporters said a couple of hours ago, “we’ll rest when things settle down.” The grim fact is that it means no one at The Martin Chronicles will be able to “put it in park” for several more weeks.
Another reporter joked that Mike Pope abstains more than a Trappist monk. Others speculate that Pope is trying to avoid being drawn into Martin’s legal problems by refusing to take any and all decisions. Our publisher says, “Good luck with that strategy.” We hope Pope is prepared for the onslaught he is about to face.
Councilman Greg Kilburn also alienated the remainder of the diminishing base that kept him on council by a scant six votes. The author of the UNFAIR $40 ROAD TAX lawyerly tried to share in the blame for Martin’s $150,000-plus overtime screw-up. Kilburn has voluntarily accepted the status of lame duck. There is no sense in speculating why. Kilburn has been erratic now for some time. Many of his former supporters washed their hands of him during his fence-straddling bloviation last night. So long, Greg. The City will be better for it when Mr. Kilburn returns to private life.
Also, despite Councilman Noll’s mindless meandering last night, he must know all the evidence of his alleged predatory behavior is going to be handed over to his opponent in his upcoming bid for outgoing Senator Jack Westwood’s seat. Strange indeed.
It is far too late for Mayor Martin to hide the disaster. No amount of additional lying, cover-up, computer removal, stonewalling, blame-laying, finger-pointing or document destruction can paper over the scandalous state of Villa Hills’ City government.The horse is out of the barn. In fact, the horse is galloping at full speed into the next county.
We wonder what Martin can possibly be thinking. A person of even average intelligence would be looking for a way out. The Martin Chronicles thinks that is not the mayor’s plan. We still expect one last, desperate rally of Martin’s hillbilly lynch mob. The next several weeks will be ugly to be sure.
Stay tuned for upcoming posts.