Monday, February 6, 2012

Noll's Stepping Stone Or Land Mine?

The Martin Chronicles concedes you have to give Villa Hills’ councilman Jim Noll credit. One has to admit that the Nollster has “sand”. But we suspect a good deal of that “sand” is stored in Noll’s skull. Why? Because after a half of one term on city council, Noll has announced that he is going to make a run for the State Senate Seat being vacated by Jack Westwood.
In just a little more than a year, Jim Noll has packed enough “baggage” to cruise around the world. You won’t be surprised that The Martin Chronicles is happy to share a few Noll highlights:
Noll was the “mastermind” of the fraudulent marketing effort to peddle Mayor Mike Martin’s colossal property tax hike disguised as a repeal of the dreaded $40 sticker tax.
Want more? Noll revealed his ignorance by suggesting that a high-priced mediator could somehow bring reconciliation in Martin’s dispute with council over the mayor’s decimation of the Villa Hills’ Police Department.
How about another one? Noll has been known to show up at council meetings in a “Foster Brooks” state of mind. It gets better. Noll is known for leaving mid-meeting to refresh his “eye-opener” with the meatheads at the Civic Club.
We can’t stop now. Noll famously said he was looking for some “face time” when he re-positioned himself in front of the cameras in the absence of another councilman at a meeting. His contribution to the proceedings? Zip. Nada. Nothing.
How about the best? Noll reportedly has an irresistible attraction to a particular city employee. According to several sources, Noll’s behavior has been so egregious-and Mayor Martin’s handling of Noll’s indiscretions has been so unprofessional-that the City is staring yet another serious lawsuit square in the face.
There is a great deal of speculation that Noll has announced his run for the State Senate as a way of bailing out before the sexual harassment claims explode into a fiery mushroom cloud. Others opine that Noll is also afraid of casting a vote either way in the impending impeachment proceedings of Mayor Martin. Both of those excuses would provide a great reason for any normal person to grab a parachute in the estimation of the Martin Chronicles.
We don’t think Noll is that rational. The Martin Chronicles is convinced that Noll truly sees himself as the next State Senator from this district. And why not? Led by the efforts of the Civic Club Cro-Magnons and the St. Joe’s Heavy Drinking Men’s Society, Noll was actually the top vote-getter in Villa Hills’ 2010 council race.
If for no other reason than we plan to push every bit of information we have to his opposition, Noll’s senate run might seem like a long shot.
But before you chalk up Noll’s run as a one-way Kamikaze mission, you need to consider who the vacuous voters of Kenton County already elect. You have the license fee-dodging slumlord Steve Arlinghaus in the County’s top spot. There is the inexplicably arrogant cinder-block head Garry Edmonson endlessly serving as county attorney. Cardboard-cutout career politician Adam Koenig hasn’t lost an election since Bill Clinton was winning a second term. What the heck, the voters even installed Mike Martin to totally destroy what was once the fine city of Villa Hills.
As a good friend of The Martin Chronicles says, “Do you know the problem with political jokes? Sometimes they get elected!” Senator Noll indeed.