Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"Deal With It"

The Martin Chronicles has to chuckle about the shock and horror now being expressed all over the greater Villa Hills area about the malfeasance and pathetic mismanagement of Mayor Mike Martin. Our reporters hear it in the grocery store, the pharmacies, the health clubs, the bars, the gas stations, the restaurants, the hardware stores and even in the churches. As one long-time observer puts it, “You can’t find anyone who will admit voting for this clown”.

We know we say this quite a bit. But it won’t stop us from saying it yet again. Voters-and non-voters- get the government they deserve. By a narrow margin, voters did elect Martin in November, 2010. Whether voters want to admit that fact now or not.

Several people also now maintain that they didn’t bother to vote because they thought the outcome of the election was a foregone conclusion. They feign shock at the result. But all those folks who sat out the 2010 election are as much to blame as all those now-phantom voters who elected Martin, and perhaps as bad, re-elected Mike Pope. One underestimates the ability of the voters to make terrible choices at their own risk. It happens all the time.

So how did it happen? It began with the double-digit IQ denizens at that dump known as the Civic Club. Stinging from the embarrassment of their huge embezzlement scandal, the venal Heidelberg Men and Women from the crummy Civic Club made it their mission to wreak havoc on their hated City government. They joined with Martin to spread lie after lie after lie after lie.

Fairly soon the holier-than-thou hypocrites that over-populate the St. Joe’s Heavy Drinking Men’s Society were on Mike Martin’s bandwagon. Much of that was because of the alcohol-fueled crossover between the Civic Club knuckleheads and the sanctimonious Society.

There was also a gaggle of ill-informed voters who were foolish enough to believe Martin when he lied to them about his plan to repeal the Greg Kilburn’s UNFAIR $40 STICKER TAX. How did that work out? Oh, that’s right. Now you have to pay the” Kilburn Tax” at slumlord County Boss Steve Arlinghaus’ Court House. By the way, Martin is going to SUE YOU if you don’t pay it.

Martin also appealed to the raised-pinky, Chablis and brie, “Jeeves be a good man and pull the car around” crowd as well with his “Time for a change” bunk. While this noveau riche crowd never breaks even a bead of sweat to help with anything, they expect to be catered to at the drop of their silk fedoras. “I say Muffy, that chap Martin appears to be such an accommodating little fellow, don’t you agree?”

Never risking exposition of his low intelligence by debating the real issues facing the City, Martin instead spewed slanderous and libelous mud and pulled together the rest of his hillbilly lynch mob coalition by patching together an odd assortment of cat haters, red-baiters, tree-huggers, granny-muggers, defrocked Civic Club officers, religious fanatics, toilet cloggers, cigar chompers, fire extinguisher salesmen, morbidly obese, codgers, tax-dodgers, lunks, punks, drunks, rustlers, hustlers, cut-throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperadoes, mugs, pugs, thugs, half-wits, dim-wits, nit-wits, vipers, snipers, gripers, foolers, droolers, home-schoolers, con men, bush-whackers, drug addicts, crazy uncles in the attic, unlicensed electricians, failed musicians, crack-pots, tin-pots, popes, dopes, dope-smokers, jack-booters, boot-lickers, pick-pockets, nose-pickers, nit-pickers, pin-stickers, stick men, straw men, hornswogglers, Keystone Light-swallowers, mule-skinners, Indian agents and Mexican bandits.

And so, Martin narrowly won the election. Perhaps we should borrow the “CEO’s” favorite line with just a little twist. “It was your decision. Now Martin is the CEO. Deal with it.”’

The excellent group of Martin Chronicles’ reporters who put this post together, with help from Mel Brooks, now feels better. The real question is, do you?