Friday, February 17, 2012

Martin's Tragical History Tour

The Martin Chronicles has been doing a little historical research as a means of gaining perspective into the current chaos in the troubled town of Villa Hills. We’ve been reviewing some DVD’s we obtained to see the rampant hypocrisy and contradiction that exemplifies what we laughingly refer to as the Martin Administration. Roll up for the history tour.
Our first stop: March, 2001. We spoke with a couple of residents who were closely involved in the turmoil created by then-Mayor Steve Clark. They shared some newspaper clippings they preserved from that horrendous time. At 3 o’clock in the afternoon, Clark was bravely telling the media that he would never resign. Five hours later he resigned. Totally disregard any pronouncements Martin makes either to the media or after council meetings in that reeking dung heap known as the Civic Club.
Stop Number Two: June, 2007. Then-councilman Martin is captured on video bitterly complaining the Public Works Director spent $35 on a garden hose. Martin’s issue? He said he could have purchased the same garden hose for $19 elsewhere. Funny, isn’t it? $16 was a crisis in June, 2007. More than $150,000 mindlessly tossed away in overtime means nothing in February, 2012.
Stop Number Three: October, 2010. Martin emetically professes his undying love for the City of Villa Hills at that reeking dung heap known as the Civic Club’s Candidate Forum. We now learn that Martin loves the City so much that he is willing to totally destroy it in a vain attempt to save his own hide.
Stop Number Four: Every council meeting from January, 2011 through January, 2012. Councilman Mike Pope forcefully states his complete agreement with CEO Martin about not hiring the eighth police officer. Pope announced at the end of the February, 2012 council meeting that he now believes that the police department does need the eighth officer. The cost for Pope’s education? More than $150,000. Here is the good news for Pope. His tuition has been fully funded by the taxpayers.
Bonus Quick Stop: How do Mayor and Mrs. Martin, the lunatic Pope and the alleged alcoholic predator Jim Noll gush about the prospects of a parade to celebrate the humiliated City’s 50th Anniversary and then claim that “deep budget cuts” are necessary as a result of Martin’s whizzing away of more than $150,000 in unnecessary overtime? It is good to see these four venal pinheads have their priorities straight.
History tells us that Martin is already finished. He has disgraced himself and the City. Special Counsel’s report will make things far, far worse for Martin. History also tells us that Martin will probably be the absolute last person to realize the severity of the trouble he faces.
[EDITOR’S NOTE: We are unable to confirm that Martin’s emphatic council meeting gum-chewing was an attempt to lure Wrigley as a sponsor for his parade. Our publisher suspects that Martin was instead trying to control his obvious case of nerves to avoid having a bowel movement in his pants on live television.]