Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Investigation Takes A New Turn

This weekend, The Martin Chronicles originally planned to report the ratcheting up of retaliation against a City employee by Councilman Mike Pope. However, one of our reporters developed a whole new storyline beginning with a conversation with sources in the Kenton County Court House.
The Martin Chronicles has actually spoken with several well-placed sources who indicate that “other agencies” are now looking into the activities of Villa Hills Mayor Mike Martin. We want to make it quite clear that we are not making any allegations or necessarily believe that this investigation will bear fruit. Many of the behaviors and actions that are being examined could be the result of narcissism or frankly, low intelligence.
These “agencies”-or “bureaus” -are concerned that Martin may be more than just possibly corrupt. Our reporter has been told that there is a check underway to see if Martin may be exhibiting behaviors that are “indicative of someone who could subscribe to the beliefs of the Posse Comitatus movement”. Posse Comitatus is a Latin phrase meaning “force of the county”.
For our readers who are not familiar with this obscure but sometimes dangerous movement, The Posse Comitatus is a loosely organized far right “Christian” social movement that opposes government in almost all of its forms. Members often create fraudulent documents to justify or explain away their actions. They will evade taxes and refuse to comply with other regulatory authorities.
Movement members see themselves as what are described as “sovereign citizens”, or “lone wolves” who are really only answerable to whatever they mean by “constitutional law” and themselves. Simply put, they don’t believe that the laws, rules and regulations most citizens sometimes struggle to live by apply to them. Posse Comitatus members sometimes resort to violence when they feel threatened by what they perceive as “illegitimate authority”.
Posse Comitatus members believe that county government is as far as legitimate authority extends. Our reporter is told that Martin’s efforts to decimate the Villa Hills Police Department combined with his overtures to Kenton County to provide “police coverage” for the City raised the red flag that brought new scrutiny from additional outside agencies-or “bureaus”.
The Martin Chronicles is very libertarian in its views. We are not fond of investigations launched solely in the name of “homeland security”.  But that is the situation. We are inclined to believe that there are many independent business operators who skirt the rules by failing to obtain the proper permits and licenses. This does not necessarily mean that they are part of the Posse Comitatus movement. It simply means they lack the integrity to operate their business honestly.
There are also elected officials operating in the current “Tea Party” climate who believe the voters elected them not to effectively and efficiently operate the government, but instead believe they were given a mandate to dismantle the government. This does not necessarily mean they subscribe to the Posse Comitatus view of the world.
In any event, we are obligated to report to our readers that there are now more eyes scrutinizing the mess that is Mayor Martin’s Villa Hills. In one of our earliest posts we reported that then-candidate Martin threateningly advised a perceived “enemy” that the soon-to-be mayor-elect possessed a conceal carry permit. We understand that, with a Special Counsel investigation and scrutiny from other agencies in the Commonwealth, there is legitimate concern about a dangerous reaction to “threats from a perceived illegitimate authority”.
The Martin Chronicles suggests that, given everything that is going to unfold over the next few months, everyone should proceed with great caution.