Tuesday, February 28, 2012

More News Briefs From The Land Of Martin

The Martin Chronicles reporters just love covering tiny Villa Hills. Square mile for square mile, this town is the most scandal-filled place in the Milky Way Galaxy.
We feel compelled to take at least a little bit of the credit for $47.50 per hour clerk/bookkeeper Martin-crony-hire Cordelia Schaber taking down her nky.com comment to a Letter to the Editor we reported on yesterday. Remember? The one where she expressed disappointment that the majority of council hasn’t just rolled over and let Martin run completely amok? Schaber boo-hood in her letter that the poor, little mayor needed a gaggle of goofballs to rise up and run for council this fall.
We have a sneaking suspicion that Schaber far prefers her cushy patronage job to sticking her neck out too far for Martin. So, she pulled her cheesy comment. Don’t worry. Council printed plenty of copies of it. They still plan to ask the befuddled bookkeeper to step down for her wrong-headed foray into politics.
WARNING! If you declined to pay your UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX when you went to the County Court House to renew your car registration you had better beware. Multiple sources confirm that Councilman Greg Kilburn, author of the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX is champing at the bit to SUE YOU. If you are sued you can take some comfort in the fact that while you have been taken to the cleaners, free-roaders with out-of-state plates and drivers of company vehicles have received a FREE PASS from Kilburn and Martin. At least someone is able to successfully skirt the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX. It just isn’t you. See, it doesn’t pay to play by the rules. We suspect Mayor Martin learned that lesson many years ago.
The Martin Chronicles has also received word that the Villa Hills’ Ethics Board sent “confidential” reprimands to Mayor Martin and Councilman Jim Noll for their involvement in the misuse of city personnel and equipment for political advocacy during their campaign to hoodwink you into voting yourself a massive property tax increase last November. We think it is fair to say that this “confidential” reprimand rises above what Martin supporters describe as “bickering”.
We wonder why the Ethics Board chose to keep the details “confidential”. Just how bad is the reprimand? Don’t worry. The Martin Chronicles will eventually get to the bottom of this mystery too.
By the way, can you imagine the opposition ads against Noll in his run for the State Senate? Picture a grainy black and white photo of Noll with his sweaty face contorted and a menacing voice-over saying, “Jim Noll, accused of predatory behavior while allegedly serving the people of Villa Hills as a councilman. Jim Noll, suspected of bringing a portable “wet bar” to his City council meetings. Jim Noll, hit with a “confidential” reprimand from the Villa Hills’ Ethics Board for misusing City personnel and resources while trying to perpetrate a fraud on the voters of Villa Hills. Jim Noll, the man who once famously asked, ‘What’s a caucus?’ Now this man wants to be your State Senator. Is this a risk the public dares to take?” We say, “Why the (EXPLETIVE) not? The voters of Villa Hills did!!” This State Senate race will be fun to watch. Just not too closely.
But The Martin Chronicles thinks the real fun for the poor residents of the troubled town will be trying to sort out the thoroughbreds from the nags in the 2012 council race. The starting gate springs open at 4PM on the August 14 filing deadline in a race to the November 6 finish line that is now just 251 days away. The rumor mill at the Villa Hills’ track says the race card will be packed. The stakes in this race couldn’t be much higher.
Isn’t this fun?