Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Martin Meltdown?

The Martin Chronicles often makes it clear that we think the Villa Hills Civic Club is nothing more than a crappy cavern of corruption. But that doesn’t mean we don’t welcome reports from a few of the very small minority of decent people who frequent the pathetic place. Our sources tell us that Mayor Mike Martin decided to take out his mounting frustration on a resident for whom he illegally spent taxpayer dollars helping when they collided at the cruddy Civic Club recently.
We concede that this is not the first time Martin has been witnessed verbally assaulting someone. There is the well-documented incident a few years ago when Martin hurled profanities at the spouse of a City employee at a Fire in the Hills event. This recent incident is different. Witnesses say Martin seemed almost desperate to find anyone in the Club who would agree with him as he berated the humiliated resident.
The resident came to a council meeting many, many months ago asking the City to spend taxpayer dollars to clean up a hillside that fell on private property and a Duke Energy easement. Despite the fact that Duke Energy expressed a willingness to clean up their portion of the mess, Martin brazenly told them that he would illegally spend taxpayer money for the cleanup of the easement and private property.
So why did Martin begin berating this resident on a recent Sunday at the despicable dive oddly called a Civic Club? Why did he tell this poor person “this is all your fault!” speaking about the mounting problems Martin faces? The Martin Chronicles agrees that if this poor resident voted for Martin then a part of the blame is indeed theirs. But, this resident did not commit the high crimes and misdemeanors that the Special Counsel will soon be laying out before the world.
Is this resident responsible for all the unlicensed electrical, plumbing and other commercial work Martin has done all over the Tri-State? Is this resident responsible for the fact that Martin did work many years without an occupational license and failed to secure the proper permits? Did this resident tell Martin not to fill Open Records requests or illegally burn City records? Did this resident assist the mayor while he was removing computers from the City building in the dead of night? Did this resident encourage the mayor’s mishandling of the police department that led to more than $150,000 of unnecessary overtime? Did this resident suggest the mayor turn a blind eye to allegations of sexual harassment? Was this resident responsible for the hiring of cronies? How about the awarding of contracts for everything including fire extinguishers to his venal buddies? Is the resident responsible for the lawsuits or complaints or Ethics Board reprimands?
The Martin Chronicles knows you know the answer to all of these questions. A resounding, “NO!”
But Martin is desperately looking for scapegoats. Martin has survived this long by blaming everyone else for his shortcomings and unethical behavior. That poor resident. His own attorney. The police. The judges. The media. The City Council. The previous administration. Too bad. He’s out of excuses. This mess is solely his property. It is an unmitigated, corrupt disaster.
That is why it is time for Mayor Martin to do the right thing and resign. But The Martin Chronicles is sure that he won’t. Not until the Special Counsel report lays out the solid evidence of Martin’s malfeasance. But it will be far too late for Martin when that happens. Perhaps the residents have earned this further embarrassment by putting such a scoundrel in the mayor’s office.
The Martin Chronicles is standing by on the watchtower.