Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday Commentary

Multiple sources have confirmed that Special Counsel Phil Taliaferro’s investigation is within ten days of being prepared to make its preliminary findings to city council.
The Martin Chronicles quoted a local official several weeks ago saying, “Let’s finish this thing.” We wholeheartedly agree. We should move past the end of the beginning and closer to the beginning of the end. Special Counsel Phil Taliaferro was retained in late summer last year to investigate the suspicious activities of Mayor Mike Martin. After a marathon executive session into which Taliaferro and an assistant carried a 5 inch thick binder of information, council voted to expand special counsel’s investigation at the December council meeting.
The time has come for the facts to begin to be reported. That would be a great start. By now the 5 inch thick binder has surely grown much thicker. Given the early January document destruction in a hastily-dug fire pit and subsequent ham-handed attempt to cover it up by the mayor, it is clear to anyone paying any attention that the taxpayers continue to sink deeper into Martin’s quicksand of liability with each passing day.
Keep in mind that this incredible “burn of events” took place after council voted to expand the scope of the special counsel investigation in December. Who knows what else will happen if the special counsel investigation drags on for several more months? Given the past fourteen months, it is reasonable to assume that Martin will continue to behave in a way that further weakens the City’s position in current and pending lawsuits. What’s the old saying? Enough is enough.
The Martin Chronicles isn’t suggesting an end to the investigation. We aren’t suggesting an immediate vote for removal. We do believe it is time for the findings to begin to be publicly reported. It is time for a large venue at River Ridge or Villa Madonna to be reserved to hold a presentation of the findings that will most likely be attended by hundreds of residents. We wonder if Steve Arlinghaus will moan about “witch hunts” after the facts are laid out.
It’s time to begin a public exploration of Martin’s questionable business “lapses”. What is going on at 10 ½ Anna Street in Reading, Ohio? What have the residents who had Martin performed electrical and plumbing work for them reported to special counsel? All of these “lapses” are extremely relevant to his fitness to lead the city.
It’s time to hear the truth about the cause for the persistent failure to fulfill Open Records requests. It appears a conscious decision was made to stonewall. It’s time to hear the facts regarding the blatant cronyism. Too much taxpayer money has been doled out to friends.
Rumors are flying around town that Martin claims his attorney is the one who is really responsible for the six-figure squandering of taxpayer dollars in overtime expenses. Is Martin claiming his attorney has tied his hands and made it impossible for the mayor to carry out his duties? If that is correct, then Martin is statutorily unable to perform his duties as mayor. Such inability is clear grounds for removal from office.
Shouldn’t the public be offered the opportunity to hear why committee heads and employees have been hindered in doing their appointed tasks? That activity builds a strong case for misconduct. Isn’t it time for a public airing about why computers were removed after-hours, including those from employee work stations, from the City Building? Shouldn’t the public know what the mayor may have been trying to either cover or trump up?
Since the taxpayers share in the liability for the mayor’s refusal to take concerns about sexual harassment seriously, don’t they have a right to know exactly what happened? Sources confirm that the City Attorney has been conducting an ongoing investigation into the harassment claims and isn’t pleased at what he is discovering. It appears the mayor has unilaterally waived the safeguards to prevent further harassment without the knowledge of the City Attorney.  If nothing else, the capability to effectively manage the City, or any enterprise for that matter, are called squarely into question.
If even a preliminary report is not presented soon, public confidence could begin to erode when they hear friends who spend their evenings enjoying several rounds of Keystone Light at the Civic Club offer up mindless opinions on the work of special counsel. We see a strong tide of public sentiment running against the mayor. If a change has to be made, the time is right.
The Martin Chronicles says shame on any councilman who is reluctant to proceed because it may hamper their run for the State Senate. Their reward should be a resounding defeat in the upcoming November 6th election that is now only a mere 253 days away. Councilmen who can still say with a straight face at a St. Joe’s “Fat Tuesday” dinner that they are in office for “the best interests of the residents” but see no harm in what the mayor has been doing for the past fourteen months are delusional.
We have a couple of questions for all those who complain about money being spent on the Special Counsel’s investigation. How would you feel if the City is hammered in court because of the reckless behavior of the mayor with a council who stood by and did nothing to protect the taxpayer’s interests after discovering what had taken place? Would you rather spend thousands of dollars now to save millions of dollars later?
We’ve heard Martin’s rapidly-refuted explanations for his suspicious behavior. We’ve witnessed his shuck and jive as he shuts down discussions and lays blame on others. We’ve seen his chair-spinning and gum-chomping. None of it holds water. None of it flies. Again, enough is enough. It’s high time for the facts to begin to see the light of day.
City council-and the mayor-must now realize that the facts presented by Special Counsel will be widely disseminated to the public. The Martin Chronicles is there. The Community Recorder and The Kentucky Enquirer are engaged. WCPO’s stalwart efforts prove that the broadcast media is now on board and they are digging for the truth.
It is high time to begin the process of finishing this thing that we laughingly call the Martin Administration.