Wednesday, January 9, 2013

UPDATED NUMBERS!: The Winters Of Your Discontent


The Martin Chronicles is certain you are already well aware that we consider Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin one of the most corrupt and incompetent political figures in Kentucky's long and storied history of corrupt and incompetent political figures. Shorty has turned misconduct, neglect of duty, general dishonesty and shoddy-at-best behavior into a very high art form. Yes, we know. Even that is a gross understatement.

Even though we are fully aware that The Fidgety Forger is thoroughly dissolute, there are still things Shorty does that deeply offend us. Do you want an example? Here is one. Wasting taxpayer money on all kinds of outside legal advice instead of relying on his City Attorney-who is already being paid-or the generally free legal department of The Kentucky League of Cities.

Want an example? The Nitwit From Norwood recently hired Park Hills City Attorney Bob Winters to assist in the rhubarb railroading of a who-in-this-story-will-remain-unnamed City administrative employee. Shorty sent Winters to the City's Civil Service Board to make the taxpayer-funded case for what The Unlicensed Handyman wanted. To use Winters' own words, Shorty wanted "TERMINATION".

After some deliberation, the Civil Service Board handed down an unpaid suspension. Not "TERMINATION". Why? Because-not surprisingly-Shorty was more than a little fast and loose with the facts of the case.

Speaking of fast and loose with the facts, The Little Liar later told some media pinheads that "the Civil Service Board agreed with me". This despite THE FACT that the Civil Service Board DID NOT AGREE with The Itinerant Handyman. How do we know that? Because Shorty didn't get the "TERMINATION" of the who-in-this-story-will-remain-unnamed City administrative employee Winters said he wanted.

We also know that Martin shared confidential information about the who-in-this-story-will-remain-unnamed City administrative employee with some especially stupid members of Shorty's hillbilly lynchmob. How do we know that? Because these especially stupid members of Martin's hillbilly lynchmob actually posted this confidential employee information on Facebook. Yeehah!

So now we know that YOU owe Bob Winters SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS for Martin's malfeasant misadventure. Even the ass clowns from that rat's nest of a civic club can figure out that you can buy a whole lot of Old Milwaukee's Best Light with SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS.

But that's not the end of it. We wonder if all of the gun-slingers, nose-pickers and vine-swingers would care if they also knew about more Norwood Nitwittery. We doubt it. They may need their toilet unclogged some day after all.  

It seems Shorty has added FIVE THOUSAND OF YOUR DOLLARS TO HIS EVIDENTLY SECRET BUDGET. Why? For MORE WASTED LEGAL FEES to fund an attempt to overturn State guidelines for Civil Service protections for current employees.

For the record, the ancient crocodile Councilman Mary Koenig has expressed her support for this waste of YOUR money as well. Big surprise. Why not? It's just one specialty pizza and a pitcher of beer a month. Okay, maybe one specialty pizza and pitcher of beer a week? Alright, maybe two specialty pizzas and two pitchers of beer a week? Three?

[EDITOR'S NOTE: We think it is important to mention that vile Councilman Mary Koenig also announced that Martin needs to fire inert Interim City Clerk Sue Bree at the January 7 "SPECIAL MEETING". We can't believe we are writing this. But we agree with the ancient crocodile Koenig on that!]