Friday, January 25, 2013

Everybody's Workin' For The Weekend

The Martin Chronicles has stocked up on plenty of milk, bread and eggs. Why? Because everyone knows that French toast is the official survival food for blizzards. We have enough on hand to feed the staff for weeks. Or at least until they get sick and tired of French toast. Then they are on their own.

We are following several new story leads about Villa Hills' malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's Reign of Error coming in via phone and email. While Martin's burgeoning hillbilly voting bloc, the ass clowns from the civic club and those overcome with gratitude because Shorty left church early to unclog their sister's toilet would probably whine and disagree, it is becoming abundantly clear that no number of new councilpeople will cure the ills of Villa Hills dysfunctional City government. The root cause of the problems is the dishonest and bungling Nitwit From Norwood, Mike Martin.

It hasn't been one month and the bloom is already off the rose:
  • Holly Boo Boo and Brian R. Wischer travel to Lexington-on your dime-allegedly to learn their new roles and responsibilites. Thanks to our publisher's contacts at the Kentucky League of Cities we know nothing of the sort happened. Instead, waste and disgrace.
  • We know that the City's financial information continues to be a tangled bag of snakes. Yes, Shorty sent some gibberish to the council right before the last meeting, but it was chock full of errors and questionable entries. Why do the taxpayers continue to pay bucketheaded bookkeeper Cordelia Schaber $47.50 per hour for this incompetence when she resigned in November 2011?
  • A gentle word of advice to Councilmember Jim Cahill. Our sources tell us you possess an excellent accounting mind. But be careful saying things like, "Yeah, we know these reports aren't accurate. But the errors aren't material. So lets go ahead and approve these reports anyway". When things go haywire-and they will-rest assured that the Fidgety Forger will tell the State Auditor that it was all your fault. Just sayin'.
  • Several sources are confirming that The Little CEO and the vile, ancient crocodile Mary Koenig are already in a fierce battle for control. Shorty may want to invest in a Nut Buddy.
  • For some reason The Swiveling Snake Oil Salesman has decided to jettison his City Attorney Mike Duncan. The list of applicants reads like "CRONIES ON PARADE". Steve Wolnitzek? Really? He's represents (Shorty co-defendant) Dale Schaber in a LIBEL, SLANDER and DEFAMATION lawsuit for the love of the Almighty Spirit. Seriously? C'mon man!
  • Bilious blowhard County Boss Steve Arlinghaus is very close to sealing the deal with Mayor Moron on the surrender of several City services. Anyone who thinks that the slumlord Arlinghaus will provide better services is a shoe-in to be accepted as a lifetime member of Dead Pecker's Row. We wish you well.
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The Martin Chronicles is on the trail of other interesting stories as well. We are trying to get more information on someone named Teddy Stilleto. We are hearing that the mysterious Teddy Stilleto is taking bold steps towards becoming a real political force in Villa Hills. Some suspect that Stilleto is preparing to boot out the malfeasant Martin in the 2014 mayors race. Won't that be a kick?]