Thursday, January 24, 2013

Pick 'Em Off One At A Time

The Martin Chronicles has known that Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin is a vindictive little runt seething with hatred and an overwhelming desire for vengeance for a long time. Perhaps because many of them are the same way as The Little CEO, the rapidly growing hillbilly voting block in Villa Hills seems to have a blind spot when it comes to that very ugly side of Shorty.

Some reformed civic club ass clowns recently shared their insights on The Nitwit From Norwood. They told our reporter that Martin generally came off as "an ill-informed radical" when he drank beer and spouted off at the bar. At least in the beginning.

Martin became famous for describing huge conspiracies and accusing everyone of unsubstantiated wrongdoing. Then something happened. Namely, Martin's 2007 forgery arrest. Shorty's bizarre banter then evolved from pointless nitwittery to dangerous threats.

Martin fired up Dead Peckers Row nightly with chants of "F" him, "F" her, "F" them, "F" this, "F" that. He vowed to settle all his outstanding scores. He was gonna get 'em. He was gonna "pick 'em off one at a time". You know what? It has been working so far.

What's next in The Fidgety Forger's crosshairs? Sources say he is just several weeks away from announcing the elimination of the Villa Hills Police Department. Mayor Moron will say he's doing it to "save you lots of money". The reality? Shorty will finally get the revenge he has wanted so badly ever since his forgery arrest.

The hillbillies, rubes, hicks, hayseeds and ridge runners are getting EXACTLY what they voted for. The rest of us are going to have to wait 649 days to see if the City can be turned around. 92 more weeks. 21 more council meetings. Potentially 21 more caucus gatherings. Yep. November 4, 2014. Circle that day on your calendar. There is a whole lot of work to do between now and then.
[EDITOR'S NOTE: We'll have an update on the Martin goon squad's attempt to take over the Voice of Villa Hills. There has been DIRECT contact.The story may just make your blood "curd-le".]