Thursday, January 17, 2013

Even More Meeting Madness

The Martin Chronicles wasn't surprised by much of anything from Wednesday's City Council meeting. To borrow a little Will Shakespeare, malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin-run meetings are typically a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. This past meeting-the first NON-SECRET MEETING for the new council-was mostly no exception.

Here's our newsbriefs and notes:
  • Martin wants council to sign-off on his request that he only be required to produce financial reports quarterly. The obvious question? Is that really anything new? The City's financial reports have been a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma from almost Day One of Martin's Reign of Error. Shorty will let the taxpayers know what he is doing with their money when he is darn good and ready. The problem is that he is never ready.
  • Ancient crocodile Councilman Mary Koenig bristled when someone made the seemingly reasonable request that Shorty ask the TBNK to cover all of Villa Hills meetings., even the SECRET MEETINGS. The reasonable requestor's logic? The people have a right to know what their City Government is up to. The Nitwit From Norwood promised "transparency" during his dirtbag 2010 mayoral campaign after all. We suspect Shorty just really doesn't know what "transparency" means. Hey, back off! It's four syllables! Big words are HARD!
  • Martin plans to file taxpayer-funded lawsuits against residents who dare to criticize him on Facebook and other social networking sites. This coming from The Little Dipstick who regularly libels, defames and slanders his predecessor, the previous council, the police chief, the police detective, the bank teller, the interim City Clerk, the assistant city clerk, the public works director, various and sundry police officers, residents here and there and his neighbor's dog. We know The Gnomish Gun Nut is a huge fan of The Second Amendment. The First Amendment? Not so much.
  • Outgoing City Attorney Mike Duncan must have felt like he was watching his own autopsy last night. With Duncan sitting right next to him, The Little CEO explained that he is going to form a committee of great legal minds from the civic club bar to review the new City Attorney applications. Then he is going to hire former councilman and failed State Senate candidate Jim Noll.
  • We also don't understand why in the wide, wide world of sports the meeting lasted so long. So much bloviation. So little accomplished.
The Martin Chronicles is certain that the next 656 days are going to be highly entertaining. It's always fun watching empty-headed, tinpot dictators like Shorty strut and beat their chest. We know almost every tri-state resident outside Villa Hills city limits understands that Martin is a crook. We'll find out if the hillbillies inside the City have learned anything when November 4, 2014 finally gets here.