Wednesday, October 31, 2012

There Is A Lot At Stake

The Martin Chronicles is watching the final days of the election countdown clock melt away. The day of decision will have come and gone before you know it. Sources all over town report that they see Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin campaigning hard for the chief lieutenant of his hillbilly lynchmob, the DEFAMATORY Dale Schaber.

If you are like-to use high-priced whore Toad McMurtry's unfortunate term-the baboons that gather nightly at the Civic Club, you too are pulling for the DEFAMATORY Dale Schaber. He is your guy. He is one of you. He is people of the Earth. Simple folk. You know, he is just like you. He is a moron.

But most of our audience is much brighter than the simple folk. They see Martin for who he really is. It may have taken awhile, but they finally get it. They now know Martin isn't that charitable, golfing elf some of our readers voted for in 2010. Most of our readers now understand that Martin is a corrupt and incompetent clown who has done great damage to the City.

But still, many of these readers are upset. We have heard the comments. "Martin isn't on the ballot this year. But the council is. We are going to take our frustrations out on them and vote them all out."

Sure. It's been embarrassing. You have had to listen to Martin and his loudmouth wife Janet's wacky conspiracy theories and non-stop lies. You've had to witness hillbillies come to council meetings and issue thinly-veiled threats of gun violence from the podium. You've had to suffer through the bilious blowhard County Boss Steve Arlinghaus' factless pronouncements. You've seen once-universally respected senior members of the community be caught in lies to the police and then reduced to childishly taunting long-serving councilmembers at meetings. You have had to watch neighbor literally turn against neighbor. And for what? A dispute about Mike Martin? Really? Seriously? Mike Martin? Yes, we agree. It's a pathetic mess.

Now the voters face a choice. There are many ways to break down the choice. Our staff has been debating it now for many weeks. Here is the closest we can come to some form of consensus.

The voters are facing a choice between two world views. Here they are:

You can reward the malfeasant Martin because he "got away with it" yet again. Ignore the misconduct and neglect of duty you have seen with your own eyes these past two years and trust the Civic Club baboons when they assure you just how great Martin will be when he is surrounded by "people who will work with him". You know, people like Dale Schaber, Mary Koenig, Holly B. Menninger-Isenhour and Brian Wischer.

Or, you can elect a council who will cautiously try to work with the corrupt and incompetent Martin to get something-anything-done while still doing their level best to make sure Martin plays by the same rules everyone else has to.

The voters are facing this stark choice in less than a week. The Martin Chronicles still cannot predict which path the voters will take.