Friday, October 26, 2012

What Say YOU, Toad?

The Martin Chronicles understands that Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's attorney Toad McMurtry had to take cheap shots at and make wild allegations about people vastly superior to his client in order to save the sinister Shorty. That's what high-priced whores like Toad McMurtry do.

But did Police Chief Dan Goodenough really deserve to be called "a liar" and "unethical" after twenty-six years of exemplary service to Villa Hills? Did Detective Joe Schutzman really deserve to be called "a baboon" and be accused of the heinous crime of "planting evidence" after sixteen years of sacrifice and hard work? Did Clerk Kim Robbins really deserve to have her personal problems aired in public just to discredit and embarrass her? Did Councilmen Bruns, Kilburn, Ringo and Sogar really deserve to have their very real concerns about Martin's misconduct and neglect of duty falsely portrayed as petty politics? No, of course not. But Toad McMurtry won't lose one second of sleep for what he did. He'll just cash his check. Again, that's what high-priced whores like Toad McMurtry do.

Circling back to high-priced whore Toad McMurtry's attack of Chief Goodenough's ethics and Toad's construction of the "conflict of interest" straw man, that leads to a series of questions for Toad.
  1. Toad, you asked if Detective Schutzman investigated your slack-jawed client three separate times. Yes, he did. Do you know why? Because Shorty was suspected of serious illegal activity those three separate times. You probably aren't aware of this Toad, but four different judges had absolutely no problem with Detective Schutzman's investigation of your slack-jawed client. So, why do you Toad?
  2. While we are also on the subject of "conflicts of interest" Toad, do you think it is a "conflict of interest" for a mayor to be suing his employees and the taxpayers? What say you, Toad? C'mon, buddy. Tell us what you really think. Don't worry. You'll still get paid.
  3. By the way Toad, what do you think the police officers in Ft. Wright think of your high-priced whore attack on police officers? Yes, we know. You are just going to cash the check.

Look, we get it. To use Toad McMurtry's insulting description, the "baboons" at the civic club love hearing lies about others. Why? Because it makes them feel better about their own miserable lives. How else would you describe a life that involves spending virtually every night in a rundown bar giggling about the breast size of some other guy's wife?

But let's look at the bigger picture. Let's look at the way the malfeasant Martin and his loud-mouthed wife Janet take great glee in damaging the reputations of so many around them. Why do they do that? It's very easy to understand. Martin is essentially a talentless street thug who has next-to-nothing to offer. Instead, Martin "elevates" himself  by falsely tearing down others.

A whole lot of people now "get it". They have seen that Martin has proposed nothing of value to benefit the residents over these past two years . Martin is simply the self-proclaimed and self-absorbed "CEO" who is enjoying his ultimately brief moment in the sun after toiling in obscurity for years as an itinerant handyman.

We learned a lot over the three-day removal hearing. We learned that Martin has no managerial skills. We learned that Martin has no people skills. We learned that Martin is not the least bit bright. We learned that Martin will throw even his most loyal toadies "under the bus" to save himself. Most of all, we learned that Martin wouldn't recognize the truth if it jumped up and chewed out the seat of his pants.

Martin did have the high-priced whore Toad McMurty to serve as his hatchet man. Lucky for Shorty. But better than that? Martin had struck improper deals with outgoing Councilmembers Mike Pope and Jim Noll to ignore the evidence and the law.

Don't you agree that it is most fitting that Martin's temporary reprieve was delivered-in part-by a State Senate candidate who was seen dressed in only his underwear in an elementary school parking lot while running forty minutes late for the removal hearing? We certainly do.

Twelve days until the election. How much worse is it going to get? Our prediction? A whole lot worse.

[EDITOR'S NOTE: The Martin Chronicles has now welcomed far more than 70,000 unique visits. Given the upcoming council election and what will surely be a tumultuous next two years, the sky is the limit.]