Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Norwood "Justice"

The Martin Chronicles sometimes isn't entirely sure whether we are reporting on events in malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's Villa Hills or Fidel Castro's Cuba. Both "superiors" clearly believe that the rules apply to everyone else-but not to them.

Even if you just consider Martin's recent foray into witness intimidation, it should be enough to shock you. Unconstitutional executive orders. Threatening employee's livelihoods for doing nothing more than cooperating with a duly-authorized investigation. Dreadful stuff.

But wait. There's more. There was a Civil Service Board hearing in Villa Hills last night. Why? An employee was challenging Martin's unpaid suspension and looming termination. Martin made several charges against the employee. We will let you decide whether or not the fact that this employee is scheduled to testify at Shorty's upcoming removal hearing is in any way relevant.

Here's the worst part. One of the basic principles of the American justice system is found in the Sixth Amendment to the US Constitution. And that is? We all have the right to face our accusers.

Why is that relevant to last night's Civil Service Board hearing? Because Martin didn't even bother to show up. He didn't have the decency to offer proof of the charges he has made against the employee. No, Park Hills' City Attorney Bobby Winters was there allegedly representing Martin-at the taxpayers' expense. But not "the superior". We aren't sure where Shorty was. But we do know where he should have been.

Social media provides more evidence of Martin's brand of redneck retaliation. Gun-toting wingnuts are posting specifics about the charges against the employee. Here is a great question. How in the (EXPLETIVE) do these vine-swinging hayseeds know anything about the details of the charges? Employee matters are confidential. Who is breaching that confidentiality? Sources tell us these posting hillbillies will have the chance to answer that question-under oath.

Then there is a possible appearance of jury tampering. What's that all about? Well, Shorty's wife Janet has been seen by dozens of people going door-to-door passing out "Jim Noll For State Senate" literature. Yes, the same Jim Noll who will soon be sitting on the jury evaluating the evidence against Janet Martin's husband. Man, oh man.

At the very least this potential conflict of interest reveals Noll's very, very poor judgment. It also reveals that Noll is oblivious to the fact that Janet Martin values the State Senate candidate roughly as much as she values a wad of toilet paper. Much like the toilet paper, once Noll has served the Martins-he will be flushed.